12 results
Beurden, Bernard van | Quatre chansons médiévales & Francoys Villon : voor tenor, saxofoonkwartet en slagwerk | |
Vocal music: Voice and instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: ten 4sax perc | Year of composition: 2010 | Duration: 6'00" |
Bois, Rob du | Rondeaux pour deux | |
Chamber music: Piano 4 hands | ||
Scoring: pf4h(perc) | Year of composition: 1962 | |
Booren, Jo van den | L' epitaphe Villon : ballade des pendus, pour voix moyenne et orchestre, 1965 | |
Vocal music: Voice and orchestra | ||
Scoring: medium 3330 4331 timp 3perc str( | Year of composition: 1965 | Duration: 12'00" |
Booren, Jo van den | Triptiek : ode aan Jeroen Bosch, voor mannenkoor, koperkwintet en slagwerk, 1977 | |
Vocal music: Male choir and instruments | ||
Scoring: recit MK4 h 2trp trb tb perc | Year of composition: 1977 | Duration: 17'00" |
Bunge, Sas | Ballade des pendus : voor lage stem en orkest, 1944 | |
Vocal music: Voice and piano | ||
Scoring: low pf | Year of composition: 1944 | Duration: 10'00" |
Bunge, Sas | L' épitaphe en forme de ballade : que feit Villon, pour luy et ses compagnons s'attendant estre pendu avec eucx, mise en musique pour voix grave et orchestre, (1944) | |
Vocal music: Voice and orchestra | ||
Scoring: low 2222 2000 timp perc hp str | Year of composition: 1944 | Duration: 11'00" |
Franken, Wim | Cinq poèmes de François Villon : pour ténor et piano | |
Vocal music: Voice and piano | ||
Scoring: ten pf | Year of composition: 1969 | Duration: 12'30" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Ballade des pendus : choeur mixte | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir | ||
Scoring: SATB | Year of composition: 1951 | |
Henkemans, Hans | Villonnerie : voor baryton en orkest | |
Vocal music: Voice and orchestra | ||
Scoring: bar 3333 4331 timp perc 2hp pf str | Year of composition: 1965 | Duration: 18'00" |
Manneke, Daan | Messe de Notre Dame : voor koor a cappella, 1986 | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir | ||
Scoring: GK6 | Year of composition: 1986 | Duration: 10'00" |
Manneke, Daan | Music about poor and bad people : for mixed choir, 1973 | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir | ||
Scoring: sopr alt ten GK4 | Year of composition: 1973 | Duration: 5'00" |
Monnikendam, Marius | Ballade des pendus : voor mannenkoor en orkest | |
Vocal music: Male choir and orchestra | ||
Scoring: MK4 2h 2trp 2trb tb timp perc pf | Year of composition: 1952 | Duration: 7'30" |