63 results
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Andriessen, Louis | Reconstructie : een moraliteit | |
Opera, musical theatre: Music theatre | ||
Scoring: soloists 3GK4 rec 0340 3sax 0331 2g el.cemb cembalet clavinet pianet 5el.org 2pf 4vla 5vc cb electronics | Year of composition: 1969 | |
Obrecht, Jacob | Missa Maria zart | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir and orchestra | ||
Scoring: GK4 0321 1121 hp g 5vla 3vc | Duration: 47'00" | |
Schat, Peter | Aap verslaat de knekelgeest : = Monkey subdues the white-bone demon, = Affe besiegt Knochengeist, een strip-opera, a cartoon opera, eine Strip-Oper, (opus 28), (1980) | |
Opera, musical theatre: Opera | ||
Scoring: 5soloists 1111 1000 perc cemb 2vl vla vc cb actors acrobats | Year of composition: 1980 | |
Schat, Peter | Adem : een lied voor kamerkoor, op. 32, 1984 | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir | ||
Scoring: GK4 | Year of composition: 1984 | Duration: 12'00" |
Schat, Peter | Alarm : voor beiaard en luidklokken = for carillon and church bells, opus 40, 1994 | |
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: car (bells ad lib.) / 3car (bells ad lib.) | Year of composition: 1994 | Duration: 14'00" |
Schat, Peter | Anathema : (opus 19), for piano, (1969) | |
Chamber music: Piano | ||
Scoring: pf | Year of composition: 1969 | Duration: 8'00" |
Schat, Peter | Arch music for St. Louis : for orchestra, opus 44, 1997 | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 3344 3sax 4430 cel str | Year of composition: 1997 | Duration: 15'00" |
Schat, Peter | Banden uit het Labyrint : opus 15e, voor vier geluidssporen, 1964/1965 | |
Chamber music: Electronic music | ||
Scoring: tape | Year of composition: 1965 | |
Schat, Peter | Canto general : opus 24, for mezzo-soprano, violin and piano, (1974) | |
Vocal music: Voice and instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: sopr-m pf vl | Year of composition: 1974 | Duration: 25'00" |
Schat, Peter | Clockwise and anti-clockwise : voor zestien blazers | |
Orchestra: Wind ensemble (13 or more players) | ||
Scoring: 3333 4000 | Year of composition: 1967 | Duration: 11'00" |
Schat, Peter | Collages : voor 31-toons orgel, november 1962 | |
Chamber music: Organ | ||
Scoring: org | Year of composition: 1962 | |
Schat, Peter | Concerto da camera : opus 10, (1960) | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 0020 0000 perc pf str | Year of composition: 1960 | Duration: 15'00" |
Schat, Peter | Cryptogamen : bariton, orkest, 1959, opus 8 | |
Vocal music: Voice and orchestra | ||
Scoring: bar 3233 4321 timp 4perc pf(cel) hp str | Year of composition: 1959 | Duration: 15'00" |
Schat, Peter | Dansen uit het Labyrint : opus 15-a, voor orkest, 1963 | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 2fl fl-a 2ob eh cl 2cl-b 2fg 2cfg 4h 3trp 3trb 2tb timp 3perc hp pf str( | Year of composition: 1963 | Duration: 17'00" |
Schat, Peter | De hemel : = The Heavens, twaalf symphonische variaties, twelve symphonic variations, for orchestra, 1989/1990 | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 3fl fl(pic) fl-a 3ob ob(eh) 3cl cl-b 3fg cfg 4h 3trp 3trb tb timp perc cel mar vibr 2hp pf str | Year of composition: 1990 | Duration: 45'00" |
Schat, Peter | Derde symfonie : ("gamelansymfonie"), voor orkest, opus 45, 1998/1999 | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: pic 3fl 3ob 3cl cl-b 3fg cfg 4h 3trp 3trb gamelan 3timp mar str | Year of composition: 1999 | Duration: 20'00" |
Schat, Peter | De trein : (uit de opera Symposion, libretto Gerrit Komrij), voor vijf mannenstemmen en orkest, opus 33a, 1985-1989 | |
Vocal music: Vocal ensemble (2-12) and orchestra | ||
Scoring: ten 3bar bas 3343 3sax 4332 3perc 3mar 2hp str | Year of composition: 1985 | Duration: 55'00" |
Schat, Peter | Een Indisch requiem : voor tenor, koor en orkest, opus 41, 1993-1995 | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir and orchestra | ||
Scoring: ten GK4 5474 4342 2Wag-tb 5perc 2hp pf str | Year of composition: 1995 | Duration: 25'00" |
Schat, Peter | Entelechie 2 : scènes voor 11 musici, opus 13, 1961 | |
Vocal music: Voice and instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: sopr-m fl cl trp perc vibr hp pf vl vla vc | Year of composition: 1961 | |
Schat, Peter | Entelechie I : für fünf Instrumentengruppen, (1960-1961) | |
Orchestra: Large ensemble (12 or more players) | ||
Scoring: 1111 0210 2perc hp 4vl 3vla 5vc cb | Year of composition: 1961 | Duration: 15'00" |
Schat, Peter | Etudes : voor piano en orkest, opus 39, 1992 | |
Orchestra: Piano and orchestra | ||
Scoring: 3fl 3ob eh 3bh cl-cb 3fg 3h 3trp mar str pf-solo | Year of composition: 1992 | Duration: 21'00" |
Schat, Peter | First essay on electrocution : opus 16, for violin, guitar and metal percussion instruments (3 players), Amsterdam sept-dec 1966 | |
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players); Electronics with different instruments; Mixed ensemble (2-12 players) with multimedia | ||
Scoring: 3perc g vl electronics | Year of composition: 1966 | |
Schat, Peter | For Lenny, at 70 : a song for tenor and piano, opus 35, 1988 | |
Vocal music: Voice and piano | ||
Scoring: ten pf | Year of composition: 1988 | Duration: 8'00" |
Schat, Peter | Genen : voor viool en piano, opus 47, 2000 | |
Chamber music: Violin and keyboard instrument | ||
Scoring: vl pf | Year of composition: 2000 | Duration: 7'00" |
Schat, Peter | Houdini : a circus-opera, opus 25, 1974-1976 | |
Opera, musical theatre: Opera | ||
Scoring: 7soloists GK4 3334 4342 timp 5perc steeldrums 2hp str 2vl-vla-vc-solo dancers acrobats | Year of composition: 1976 | Duration: 114'00" |
Schat, Peter | Houdini symphony : opus 25b, for four soloists, mixed choir and orchestra, (1976) | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir and orchestra | ||
Scoring: sopr sopr-m ten bar GK4 2fl fl(pic) 2ob ob(eh) 3cl 3fg fg(cfg) 4h 3trp 4trb 5perc steelband 2hp str | Year of composition: 1976 | Duration: 32'00" |
Schat, Peter | Hypothema : for recorders, opus 20, 1969 | |
Chamber music: Recorder; Electronics with different instruments; Recorder with multimedia | ||
Scoring: rec-t tape | Year of composition: 1969 | Duration: 9'00" |
Schat, Peter | I am Houdini : a ballet to sing for tenor, choir and two pianos, opus 25 c | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir and piano | ||
Scoring: ten GK4 2pf | Year of composition: 1976 | Duration: 8'00" |
Schat, Peter | Improvisaties : = Improvisationen aus dem Labyrinth, uit het Labyrint, voor drie zangers en vier instrumentalisten, für drei Sänger und vier Instrumente, 1964 | |
Vocal music: Vocal ensemble (2-12) and instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: alt ten bas cl-b perc pf cb | Year of composition: 1964 | |
Schat, Peter | Improvisations and symphonies : for wind quintet, (opus 11), (1960) | |
Chamber music: Wind quintet | ||
Scoring: fl ob cl h fg | Year of composition: 1960 | Duration: 16'00" |
Schat, Peter | Inscriptions : for piano, (opus 6), 1959 | |
Chamber music: Piano | ||
Scoring: pf | Year of composition: 1959 | Duration: 6'00" |
Schat, Peter | Introductie en adagio in oude stijl : (1954), voor strijkkwartet | |
Chamber music: String quartet (2 violins, viola, cello) | ||
Scoring: 2vl vla vc | Year of composition: 1954 | Duration: 7'00" |
Schat, Peter | Kind en kraai : = Kind noch Kegel, een liederencyclus op tekst van Harry Mulisch, ein Liederzyklus auf Text von Harry Mulisch, -opus 26-, (1977) | |
Vocal music: Voice and piano | ||
Scoring: sopr pf | Year of composition: 1977 | Duration: 35'00" |
Schat, Peter | Koren uit het Labyrint : = Chöre aus dem Labyrinth, voor koor en orkest, für Chor und Orchester, 1962/1963 | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir and orchestra | ||
Scoring: GK4 3323 sar/cfg 4332 timp 3perc hp pf str( | Year of composition: 1963 | |
Schat, Peter | Labyrint : een opera, 1960/'65 | |
Opera, musical theatre: Opera | ||
Scoring: alt ten bas 5actors GK4 3334 4332 timp 4perc hp pf str( cl-b-perc-pf-cb-solo dancers film tape | Year of composition: 1965 | Duration: 180'00" |
Schat, Peter | Lenteconcert voor fluit en orkest : 1993/2001, (op. 36) | |
Orchestra: Flute and orchestra | ||
Scoring: 3ob 3cl cl-b cl-cb 3fg h trp trb timp mar str fl-solo | Year of composition: 2001 | Duration: 21'00" |
Schat, Peter | Mei '75 : = May '75, een lied van bevrijding, a song of liberation, 2 soloists, mixed choir, orchestra | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir and orchestra | ||
Scoring: sopr-m bar GK4 3333 4330 6perc 2hp str | Year of composition: 1975 | Duration: 8'00" |
Schat, Peter | Mozaïeken : = (Mosaics), opus 5, for orchestra, (1959) | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: fl fl(pic) ob ob(eh) 2cl fg fg(cfg) 2h 2trp 2trb 5-6perc cel hp pf str | Year of composition: 1959 | Duration: 10'00" |
Schat, Peter | Octet : opus 4, fluit, hobo, klarinet, fagot, hoorn, twee trompetten [en] trombone, 1958 | |
Chamber music: Wind ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: fl ob cl fg h 2trp trb | Year of composition: 1958 | Duration: 11'00" |
Schat, Peter | On escalation : opus 18, for six solo-percussionplayers and orchestra, Amsterdam 1968 | |
Orchestra: Percussion and large ensemble | ||
Scoring: 3533 2sax-t 2210 2el.g vl vla vc 6perc-solo | Year of composition: 1968 | Duration: 18'00" |
Schat, Peter | Passacaglia and fugue : = (Passacaglia en fuga, voor orgel), for organ, opus 1, (1954) | |
Chamber music: Organ | ||
Scoring: org | Year of composition: 1954 | Duration: 11'00" |
Schat, Peter | Polonaise : (opus 29), for piano, 1981 | |
Chamber music: Piano | ||
Scoring: pf | Year of composition: 1981 | Duration: 12'00" |
Schat, Peter | Rondgang : voor kamerorkest, opus 42, 1996/2000 | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 1033 0000 pf str | Year of composition: 2000 | Duration: 10'00" |
Schat, Peter | Scenes uit het Labyrint : = Szenen aus dem Labyrinth, voor spreekstem, drie zangers, koor en orkest, für Sprechstimme, drei Sänger, Chor und Orchester, 1961/1964 | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir and orchestra | ||
Scoring: recit alt ten bas GK4 3334 4332 3perc vibr hp pf str( | Year of composition: 1964 | Duration: 40'00" |
Schat, Peter | Sélections : pour la flûte | |
Chamber music: Flute | ||
Scoring: fl | Year of composition: 1958 | Duration: 7'30" |
Schat, Peter | Septet : opus 3, for flute, oboe, bass clarinet, horn, piano, cello and percussion, (1957) | |
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: fl ob cl-b h perc pf vc | Year of composition: 1957 | Duration: 10'00" |
Schat, Peter | Serenade : voor strijkers, opus 31, 1984 | |
Orchestra: String orchestra | ||
Scoring: str( | Year of composition: 1984 | Duration: 12'00" |
Schat, Peter | Sextet : fragment voor 3 toneelspelers en 3 musici, (1961) | |
Opera, musical theatre: Music theatre | ||
Scoring: 3actors fl pf vl | Year of composition: 1961 | Duration: 6'00" |
Schat, Peter | Signalement : pour 6 percutoristes et 3 contrebasses | |
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: 6perc 3db | Year of composition: 1961 | Duration: 16'00" |
Schat, Peter | Stemmen uit het Labyrint : = Stimmen aus dem Labyrinth, voor drie zangstemmen en orkest, für drei Singstimmen und Orchester, 1962/1963 | |
Vocal music: Vocal ensemble (2-12) and orchestra | ||
Scoring: alt ten bas 3333 sar 4332 timp 4perc hp pf str( | Year of composition: 1963 | Duration: 30'00" |
Schat, Peter | Symfonie no. 1 : voor orkest, opus 27, 1978 (revisie: 1979) | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 3fl(pic) 2ob(ob-am) ob(eh) 3cl cl-b 3fg cfg 4h 2trp trp(trp-pic) 3trb 2tb timp 4perc 2hp mouth-org str | Year of composition: 1978 | Duration: 40'00" |
Schat, Peter | Symphony II : (opus 30), for orchestra, (1983) | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: pic 2fl fl(fl-a) 3ob eh 3cl cl-b 4sax 4h 3trp 3trb 2tb 5perc 2hp str | Year of composition: 1983 | Duration: 35'00" |
Schat, Peter | Symposion : opera in twee akten, opus 33, 1982-1989, revisie 1994 | |
Opera, musical theatre: Opera | ||
Scoring: soloists GK4 3343 3sax 4332 4perc 3mar 2hp str dancers | Year of composition: 1989 | Duration: 4'00" |
Schat, Peter | Théâtre des pûces : voor zangstem en piano | |
Vocal music: Voice and piano | ||
Scoring: sopr pf | Year of composition: 1953 | Duration: 1'00" |
Schat, Peter | The fall : opus 9, for sixteen voices | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir | ||
Scoring: 4sopr 4alt 4ten 4bas | Year of composition: 1960 | Duration: 4'00" |
Schat, Peter | The food of love : for mezzo-soprano, tenor and chamber orchestra, opus 43, 1997 | |
Vocal music: Vocal ensemble (2-12) and orchestra | ||
Scoring: sopr-m ten 2222 2100 hp perc str | Year of composition: 1997 | Duration: 12'00" |
Schat, Peter | The letter scene : from Houdini, soprano, tenor, piano, opus 25d | |
Vocal music: Vocal ensemble (2-12) and piano | ||
Scoring: sopr ten pf | Year of composition: 1977 | Duration: 7'00" |
Schat, Peter | Thema : voor hobo-solo, gitaren, orgel en blazers, 1970 | |
Orchestra: Oboe and large ensemble | ||
Scoring: 5cl 4fg 2sax-a sax-t 3trp 3trb 3g g-b ham.org ob-solo | Year of composition: 1970 | Duration: 14'00" |
Schat, Peter | The wallpeckers : = De Muurspechten, a toccata for orchestra, een toccata voor orkest, opus 48, 9 November 1999 | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 4444 4331 timp perc pf str | Year of composition: 1999 | Duration: 20'00" |
Schat, Peter | To whom : for soprano and ensemble, opus 23, 1973/2000 | |
Vocal music: Voice and instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: sopr 2cl 3fg h trp pf el.g el. g-b | Year of composition: 2003 | Duration: 24'00" |
Schat, Peter | To you : for voice, guitars, keyboardinstruments, tops and electronics, opus 22, (1970-'72) | |
Vocal music: Voice and large ensemble; Multimedia and singing voice(s) with or without instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: sopr-m 4pf 2el.org 6g 3g-b 6tops electronics | Year of composition: 1972 | Duration: 21'00" |
Schat, Peter | Twee stukken : flauto, violino, tromba, percussione, opus 7, 1959 | |
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: fl trp perc vl | Year of composition: 1959 | Duration: 6'00" |
multiple composers | Neue Niederländische Klaviermusik : = Contemporary Dutch piano music, Heft 2 = Book 2 | |
Chamber music: Piano | ||
Scoring: pf | ||
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