
Anathema : (opus 19), for piano, (1969) / Peter Schat

Publisher: Amsterdam: Donemus, [1980]
Publisher's number: 00602
Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Piano
Scoring: pf
Remarks: In opdracht van de stad Amsterdam. - Opgedragen aan Marina Schapers. - Cop. 1969. - Tijdsduur: ca. 8'
Duration: 8'00"
Number of players: 1
Year of composition: 1969
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Schat, Peter (Composer)
Program note (English): 'Anathema' was commissioned by the city of Amsterdam and written in the summer of 1969. It was a summer of unrest, with police and marine charges around the National Monument, where young people were camping out, thus breaking a taboo - Anathema.
Another taboo was attacked in the music of that period: the then current outlawing (anathema) of melody. Quotations of other styles appeared in innumerable serial works - at the 'dictates' of the musical subconscious (cf. Berio's 'Sinfonia', or 'Reconstructie'). Similarly, in this piano piece, a tonal theme appears in Baroque, Impressionist and Romantic guise, forming an irreconcilable contrast with the otherwise entirely serial idiom. In this way the work marks the transition to an idiom in which 'dissonance' and 'consonance' are entirely integrated (as in 'Canto general'). 'Anathema' is dedicated to Marina Schapers. The closing bars were written on the day Ho Chi Minh died (4 September 1969) and with him the revolutionary fervour of the sixties. - PETER SCHAT

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