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To you : for voice, guitars, keyboardinstruments, tops and electronics, opus 22, (1970-'72) / words: Adrian Mitchell, Peter Schat

Publisher: Amsterdam: Donemus, cop. 1972
Publisher's number: 05647
Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Voice and large ensemble; Multimedia and singing voice(s) with or without instrument(s)
Scoring: sopr-m 4pf 6g 3g-b 6tops electronics
Remarks: Voor mezzosopraan, 6 gitaren, 3 basgitaren, 4 piano's, 2 el. orgels, 6 tollen en elektronica. - In opdracht van de Gemeente Amsterdam. - Tijdsduur: ca. 21'
Duration: 21'00"
Number of players: 22
Year of composition: 1972
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Mitchell, Adrian (Text writer/Librettist)
Schat, Peter (Composer)
Program note (English): Just as more guitars kept appearing in the streets of Amsterdam some time ago, they did so in my scores too. In 'To You', there were already nine of them (including three bass guitars). On the streets, however, they were confiscated by the police because of a secret edict of the president-oligarch of the municipal law-courts. (This still happens. Guitarists of all countries, beware of the Lord High Amsterdam Music Thief!). When people realized-partly because of me - the scale on which guitars were being nabbed, they were furious, and so of course was I. Adrian Mitchell found the words as early as 1964, and I chose To You: MY LOVE, THEY ARE TRYING TO DRIVE US MAD. 'To You' had received awards from the Unesco and the City of Amsterdam in the meantime. For the presentation of the latter award - the 1973 Matthijs Vermeulen Prize - I asked for, and was grudgingly granted, permission to give a detailed explanation of the connection between the piece and the legal music thefts on the
streets. The Alderman for the Arts who issued the bull assured me over a drink that there would now be a definite end to the 'wrong policy'. The law of the jungle struck again this summer, completely in keeping with the rules: the street-flautist Sygurd Cochius reported in a newspaper that during the past seven years about six thousand guilders worth of instruments had been taken away from him..... And on July 3rd 1974, on the evening of the day on which our present central-leftish Netherlands government, unprecedentedly and insanely evacuated the institute for the mentally deficient, Dennendal, the musicians, busy with the TV recording in the Vondel Park could do little more than helplessly dedicate the performance to the victims of the deportation........ 'AFRAID OF GOING MAD' .
The topicality of Mitchell's poem had only increased in ten years, and the curse on the godforsaken bourgeois balls-up resounds in 'To You' . - PETER SCHAT

Sheet Music
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Product Description Price/piece Count
Score Download to Newzik (A3), 70 pages EUR 40.45
Download as PDF (A3), 70 pages EUR 48.54
Hardcopy, normal size (A3), 70 pages EUR 80.90
Hardcopy, study size (A4), 70 pages EUR 54.60
Rental Part(s) Download to Newzik (B4), 168 pages EUR 68.14
Download as PDF (B4), 168 pages EUR 81.76
Hardcopy, normal size (B4), 168 pages EUR 136.28
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