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Elf standpunten van het Kinselmeer : for piano / Guus Janssen

Publisher's number: 20257
Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Piano
Scoring: pf
Duration: 33'00"
Number of players: 1
Year of composition: 2021
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Janssen, Guus (Composer)
Straffe wind (Stiff wind)
Zomerdag (Summerday)
Stadsruis in de verte (City rumble in the distance)
Stapelwolk (Cumulus)
Horizon (Horizon)
Aanhoudende regen (Persistent rain)
De grutto en een vlucht ganzen (The godwit and a flock of goose)
Avondzon (Evening sun)
Verticaal (Vertical)
Loodzwart (Blacklead)
Windstil (Windless)
The title "Elf Standpunten van het Kinselmeer" (Eleven viewpoints on Lake Kinsel) refers to the visual artwork series ‘Vier standpunten van het Kinselmeer’ of the Dutch artist Ger van Elk. These artworks are mainly dealing with the concept of horizon.
Guus Janssen

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