73 results
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Regt, Hendrik de | 3 madrigalen uit "De Duytse lier" : opus 48, voor gemengd koor a capella | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir | ||
Scoring: GK4 | Year of composition: 1975 | |
Regt, Hendrik de | Als Ariadne sat en deed' haer droeve clachten : vrouwenkoor, piano, opus 59, 1977 | |
Vocal music: Female choir and piano | ||
Scoring: VK4 pf | Year of composition: 1977 | Duration: 6'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Bucolica : musica per oboe solo, opus 37 | |
Chamber music: Oboe | ||
Scoring: ob | Year of composition: 1974 | |
Regt, Hendrik de | Canzoni e scherzi : per soprano, flauto ed arpa, opus 30, (1973) | |
Vocal music: Voice and instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: sopr fl hp | Year of composition: 1973 | Duration: 20'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Circe : clarinetto, violino (o viola), pianoforte, opus 44, 1975 | |
Chamber music: Wind and string and keyboard instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: cl vl(vla) pf | Year of composition: 1975 | Duration: 15'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Elegia : per flauto contralto, opus 73, 1982 | |
Chamber music: Flute | ||
Scoring: fl-a | Year of composition: 1982 | Duration: 4'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Élégie : pour violoncelle et piano, opus 65, 1979 | |
Chamber music: Cello and keyboard instrument | ||
Scoring: vc pf | Year of composition: 1979 | Duration: 8'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Esprit errant (air) : pour baryton et piano, opus 72, 1981 | |
Vocal music: Voice and piano | ||
Scoring: bar pf | Year of composition: 1981 | Duration: 3'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Fantasia : per flauto e pianoforte, opus 64, (1979) | |
Chamber music: Flute and keyboard instrument | ||
Scoring: fl pf | Year of composition: 1979 | Duration: 8'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Madrigaal nr. IV : "De maen by Endymion", gemengd koor, opus 50, 1975 | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir | ||
Scoring: GK4 | Year of composition: 1975 | |
Regt, Hendrik de | Madrigaal V : "Het waren twee koninghs kindren", voor vrouwenkoor a cappella (3-stemmig), opus 51, 1975 | |
Vocal music: Female choir | ||
Scoring: VK3 | Year of composition: 1975 | |
Regt, Hendrik de | Madrigaal VI : opus 52, (1975-'76), "Toen Narcis het water kliefde", voor gemengd koor a cappella | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir | ||
Scoring: GK4 | Year of composition: 1976 | |
Regt, Hendrik de | Madrigaal VII "Roosje" : een liedjen uit den riddertijd, voor mannenkoor (a cappella) opus 53, (1976) | |
Vocal music: Male choir | ||
Scoring: MK4 | Year of composition: 1976 | Duration: 3'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Madrigal VII : "Scarce had the sun dried up the dewy morn", female choir a cappella, op. 60, 1977 | |
Vocal music: Female choir | ||
Scoring: VK3 | Year of composition: 1977 | Duration: 4'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Medea : per soprano, oboe e clavicembalo | |
Vocal music: Voice and instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: sopr ob cemb | Year of composition: 1971 | Duration: 7'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Metamorfosen : hobo, piano, opus 46, 1975 | |
Chamber music: Oboe and keyboard instrument | ||
Scoring: ob pf | Year of composition: 1975 | Duration: 9'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Metamorfosen : muziek voor hobo [en] engelse hoorn, opus 39, 1974 | |
Chamber music: Oboe | ||
Scoring: ob eh | Year of composition: 1974 | Duration: 10'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Mond im Zenit verharrend : coro misto, orchestra, opus 54, 1976 | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir and orchestra | ||
Scoring: GK4 2332 4331 timp perc cel vib(xyl) hp str(vla vc) | Year of composition: 1976 | Duration: 12'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : flauto, viola, opus 47, 1975 | |
Chamber music: Wind and string instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: fl vla | Year of composition: 1975 | Duration: 8'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : opus 40, corno inglese, 1974 | |
Chamber music: Oboe | ||
Scoring: eh | Year of composition: 1974 | Duration: 9'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per 2 oboi e corno inglese, opus 36 | |
Chamber music: Oboe | ||
Scoring: 2ob eh | Year of composition: 1974 | Duration: 11'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per 2 trombe, corno e trombone, opus 16, (1971) | |
Chamber music: Brass ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: h 2trp trb | Year of composition: 1971 | Duration: 12'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per 6 strumenti a fiato e clavicembalo | |
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: 2fl 2cl 2fg cemb | Year of composition: 1973 | Duration: 10'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per clarinetto basso e pianoforte, opus 24, (1973) | |
Chamber music: Clarinet and keyboard instrument | ||
Scoring: cl-b pf | Year of composition: 1973 | Duration: 9'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per flauto, chitarra e percussione, opus 18, (1972) | |
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: fl perc g | Year of composition: 1972 | Duration: 7'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per flauto, corno inglese e clavicembalo, opus 32, (1973-'74) | |
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: fl eh cemb | Year of composition: 1974 | Duration: 11'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per flauto dolce soprano e clavicembalo | |
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players); Recorder and keyboard instrument | ||
Scoring: rec-s cemb | Year of composition: 1971 | |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per flauto e chitarra, opus 21, (1972) | |
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: fl g | Year of composition: 1972 | Duration: 11'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per flauto e clarinetto, opus 28, (1973) | |
Chamber music: Woodwind ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: fl cl | Year of composition: 1973 | Duration: 12'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per flauto e percussione, opus 12, (1972) | |
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: fl perc | Year of composition: 1972 | Duration: 9'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per flauto e violoncello, opus 20, (1972) | |
Chamber music: Wind and string instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: fl vc | Year of composition: 1972 | Duration: 10'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per flautone, violino, viola e violoncello, opus 13, (1971) | |
Chamber music: Wind and string instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: fl-a vl vla vc | Year of composition: 1971 | Duration: 12'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per flauto, oboe e clarinetto, opus 27, (1973) | |
Chamber music: Woodwind ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: fl ob cl | Year of composition: 1973 | Duration: 14'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per flauto, viola e chitarra, opus 15, (1972) | |
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: fl g vla | Year of composition: 1972 | Duration: 7'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per flauto, viola, violoncello, chitarra e percussione, opus 11, (1972) | |
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: fl perc g vla vc | Year of composition: 1972 | Duration: 9'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per flauto, viola, violoncello e chitarra, opus 17, (1972) | |
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: fl g vla vc | Year of composition: 1972 | Duration: 11'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per flauto, violino, viola e violoncello, opus 33, (1974) | |
Chamber music: Wind and string instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: fl vl vla vc | Year of composition: 1974 | Duration: 7'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per flauto, violoncello e clavicembalo, opus 29, (1973) | |
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players); Wind and string and keyboard instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: fl cemb vc | Year of composition: 1973 | Duration: 11'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per oboe, corno inglese ed oboe di heckel, opus 10, 1971 | |
Chamber music: Oboe | ||
Scoring: ob eh heck | Year of composition: 1971 | Duration: 8'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per oboe e clarinetto, opus 31, (1973) | |
Chamber music: Woodwind ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: ob cl | Year of composition: 1973 | Duration: 13'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per oboe, violino, viola e violoncello, opus 1, (1971) | |
Chamber music: Wind and string instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: ob vl vla vc | Year of composition: 1971 | Duration: 10'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per quattro corni, opus 34, (1974) | |
Chamber music: Horn | ||
Scoring: 4h | Year of composition: 1974 | Duration: 9'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per trio a fiati, opus 25, (1973) | |
Chamber music: Woodwind ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: ob cl fg | Year of composition: 1973 | Duration: 9'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per oboe, violoncello, arpa e percussione | |
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: ob vc hp perc | Year of composition: 1970 | |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per quattro sassofoni | |
Chamber music: Saxophone | ||
Scoring: 4sax | Year of composition: 1971 | |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per quintetto a fiati | |
Chamber music: Wind quintet | ||
Scoring: fl ob cl h fg | Year of composition: 1969 | |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per sassofono (alto) e pianoforte | |
Chamber music: Saxophone and keyboard instrument | ||
Scoring: sax-a pf | Year of composition: 1971 | Duration: 9'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica : per trio di fiati | |
Chamber music: Woodwind ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: ob cl fg | Year of composition: 1970 | Duration: 6'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica per clarinetto basso : opus 23, (1973) | |
Chamber music: Clarinet | ||
Scoring: cl-b | Year of composition: 1973 | Duration: 5'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica per flauto dolce (sopr.), clavicembalo, due violini, viola e violoncello : opus 10, (1971) | |
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players); Wind and string and keyboard instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: rec-s 2vl vla vc cemb | Year of composition: 1971 | Duration: 10'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica per flauto, percussione e voce : opus 14, (1972) | |
Vocal music: Speaking voice and instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: recit fl perc | Year of composition: 1972 | Duration: 15'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica per flauto, percussione e voce 2 : opus 19, (1972) | |
Vocal music: Speaking voice and instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: recit fl perc | Year of composition: 1972 | Duration: 21'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica per quattro clarinetti : opus 22, (1972-'73) | |
Chamber music: Clarinet | ||
Scoring: 3cl cl-b | Year of composition: 1973 | Duration: 9'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica per viola da gamba e clavicembalo : (1970), opus 6 | |
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: vladg cemb | Year of composition: 1970 | |
Regt, Hendrik de | Musica per viola sola : opus 41, 1974 | |
Chamber music: Viola | ||
Scoring: vla | Year of composition: 1974 | Duration: 10'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Partita : per violoncello, (opus 62), 1978-'79 | |
Chamber music: Cello | ||
Scoring: vc | Year of composition: 1979 | Duration: 16'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Pastorale : flauto, hobo, opus 43, 1974-'75 | |
Chamber music: Woodwind ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: fl ob | Year of composition: 1975 | Duration: 9'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Poème : pour trois instruments, opus 63, 1979 | |
Chamber music: Wind and string instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: fl vl vla | Year of composition: 1979 | Duration: 8'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Preludio con fuga : per oboe e pianoforte, opus 69, 1980 | |
Chamber music: Oboe and keyboard instrument | ||
Scoring: ob pf | Year of composition: 1980 | Duration: 9'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Proteus : flauto, viola, arpa, opus 38, 1974 | |
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: fl hp vla | Year of composition: 1974 | Duration: 14'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Quattro pezzi : clarinetto solo, opus 61, 1978 | |
Chamber music: Clarinet | ||
Scoring: cl | Year of composition: 1978 | Duration: 6'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Rei van joffers : voor vrouwenkoor en piano, opus 58, 1977 | |
Vocal music: Female choir and piano | ||
Scoring: VK4 pf | Year of composition: 1977 | Duration: 10'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Silenus en Bakchanten : fluit, hobo, gitaar, opus 42, 1974 | |
Chamber music: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: fl ob g | Year of composition: 1974 | Duration: 13'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Summer music : for "Vermeulen flute", opus 49, 1975 | |
Chamber music: Flute | ||
Scoring: Vermeulenflute | Year of composition: 1975 | Duration: 5'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Sweet Cytherae : mixed choir, opus 45, 1975 | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir | ||
Scoring: GK4 | Year of composition: 1975 | Duration: 4'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Sweet Cytherea, sitting by a brook : opus 57, for women's choir and piano, 1977 | |
Vocal music: Female choir and piano | ||
Scoring: VK4 pf | Year of composition: 1977 | Duration: 5'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Three madrigals : for male choir, op. 66, 1978 | |
Vocal music: Male choir | ||
Scoring: MK4 | Year of composition: 1978 | Duration: 8'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Three madrigals : for mixed choir, opus 68, 1978/1980 | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir | ||
Scoring: GK4 | Year of composition: 1980 | Duration: 10'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Trois chansons : pour baryton et piano, 1980, [texte de] André Chenier, La mort d'Hercule, III, opus 71-b | |
Vocal music: Voice and piano | ||
Scoring: bar pf | Year of composition: 1980 | Duration: 2'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Trois chansons : pour baryton et piano, 1980, [texte de]Paul Verlaine, Il pleut doucement sur la ville, II, opus 71-a | |
Vocal music: Voice and piano | ||
Scoring: bar pf | Year of composition: 1980 | Duration: 3'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Trois chansons : pour baryton et piano, 1980, [texte de] Tristanl'Hermite, La belle esclave de maure, I, opus 71 | |
Vocal music: Voice and piano | ||
Scoring: bar pf | Year of composition: 1980 | Duration: 3'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Trois chansons de Baudelaire : pour voix (baryton), hautbois et guitare, opus 70, 1980 | |
Vocal music: Voice and instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: bar ob g | Year of composition: 1980 | Duration: 9'00" |
Regt, Hendrik de | Zefir en Chloris : vrouwenkoor (of 4 solo-stemmen), 1975 | |
Vocal music: Female choir; Vocal ensemble (2-12) | ||
Scoring: 2sopr 2alt / VK4 | Year of composition: 1975 | Duration: 3'00" |
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