88 results
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Hemel, Oscar van | 2e symphonie : (1948-49) | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 3333 4331 timp perc str | Year of composition: 1949 | Duration: 26'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | 3e concert : viool, orkest, 1977 | |
Orchestra: Violin and orchestra | ||
Scoring: 2222 4220 timp 3perc str vl-solo | Year of composition: 1977 | Duration: 15'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | 3e quatuor à cordes : = 3d stringquartet, = 3e strijkkwartet, (1946-'47) | |
Chamber music: String quartet (2 violins, viola, cello) | ||
Scoring: 2vl vla vc | Year of composition: 1947 | Duration: 20'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | 4e quatuor à cordes : = 4de strijkkwartet, (1953) | |
Chamber music: String quartet (2 violins, viola, cello) | ||
Scoring: 2vl vla vc | Year of composition: 1953 | Duration: 16'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | 4 koperkwartetten : 2 trompetten, hoorn, trombone, 1955 | |
Chamber music: Brass ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: h 2trp trb | Year of composition: 1955 | Duration: 12'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | 5e quatuor à cordes | |
Chamber music: String quartet (2 violins, viola, cello) | ||
Scoring: 2vl vla vc | Year of composition: 1956 | Duration: 20'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | About commedia dell'arte : for oboe quartet, 1967 | |
Chamber music: Wind and string instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: ob vl vla vc | Year of composition: 1967 | Duration: 14'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Ballade : voor groot orkest = pour grand orchestre = for full orchestra, (1942) | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 3333 4331 timp perc str | Year of composition: 1942 | Duration: 15'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Ballade des pendus : choeur mixte, 1951 | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir | ||
Scoring: GK4 | Year of composition: 1951 | |
Hemel, Oscar van | Ballade van Brabant : voor bariton solo (tevens recitant), jongens-, mannenkoor en groot orkest, (1952) | |
Vocal music: Male choir and orchestra | ||
Scoring: bar(recit) JoK MK2 2222 4331 timp perc hp str | Year of composition: 1952 | Duration: 30'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Ballade van Kapitein Joos de Decker : schets voor "De Vliegende Hollander", alt- en bassolo - gemengd koor - gr. orkest, 1943 | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir and orchestra | ||
Scoring: alt bas GK4 2232 4330 timp perc cel str | Year of composition: 1943 | Duration: 30'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Boere-charleston : voor vierstemmig gemengd koor en piano, 1941 | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir and piano | ||
Scoring: GK4 pf | Year of composition: 1941 | |
Hemel, Oscar van | Canticum psalmorum : voor alt solo, mannenkoor, 2 piano's en pauken, (1954) | |
Vocal music: Male choir and instruments | ||
Scoring: alt MK4 timp 2pf | Year of composition: 1954 | Duration: 20'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Capriccio : klarinet, piano, 1960 | |
Chamber music: Clarinet and keyboard instrument | ||
Scoring: cl pf | Year of composition: 1960 | Duration: 5'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Clarinetkwintet : 1958 | |
Chamber music: Wind and string instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: cl 2vl vla vc | Year of composition: 1958 | Duration: 20'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Concertino : per violino e orchestra, (1963) | |
Orchestra: Violin and orchestra | ||
Scoring: 2222 4230 timp str vl-solo | Year of composition: 1963 | Duration: 13'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Concerto : per strumenti a fiato, 1960 | |
Orchestra: Wind ensemble (13 or more players) | ||
Scoring: 2fl fl(pic) 2ob ob(eh) 2cl cl(b-cl) 2fg fg(cfg) 4h 3trp 3trb tb | Year of composition: 1960 | Duration: 13'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Concerto da camera : per flauto e strumenti ad arco, -1962- | |
Orchestra: Flute and string orchestra | ||
Scoring: str fl-solo | Year of composition: 1962 | Duration: 13'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Concerto per due violini ed orchestra a corda : (1970-71) | |
Orchestra: Violin and string orchestra | ||
Scoring: str 2vl-solo | Year of composition: 1971 | Duration: 11'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Concerto per oboe e orchestra : (1955) | |
Orchestra: Oboe and orchestra | ||
Scoring: 2122 4200 timp cel str ob-solo | Year of composition: 1955 | Duration: 18'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Concerto per viola e orchestra : 1951 | |
Orchestra: Viola and orchestra | ||
Scoring: 2222 4030 timp perc str vla-solo | Year of composition: 1951 | Duration: 21'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Concerto per violoncello e orchestra : (1963) | |
Orchestra: Cello and orchestra | ||
Scoring: 3322 4331 timp perc cel hp str vc-solo | Year of composition: 1963 | Duration: 16'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Daar ging een patertje langs de kant : variaties voor orkest, april 1956 | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 2222 4330 timp perc str | Year of composition: 1956 | Duration: 3'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Dans : voor piano vierhandig, 1922 | |
Chamber music: Piano 4 hands | ||
Scoring: pf4h | Year of composition: 1922 | Duration: 5'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Dat liet van Alianora | |
Vocal music: Male choir and orchestra | ||
Scoring: sopr MK4 2222 4300 timp cel hp str | Year of composition: 1947 | Duration: 12'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | De bruid : sopraan-solo, mannenkoor en orkest, 1947 | |
Vocal music: Male choir and orchestra | ||
Scoring: sopr MK4 2222 4331 timp perc cel hp pf str | Year of composition: 1946 | |
Hemel, Oscar van | De mei plaisant : variaties voor orkest, april 56 | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 2222 4330 timp 2perc hp/pf str | Year of composition: 1956 | Duration: 3'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Divertimento : orchestra [e] pianoforte, 1974 | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 3333 4331 timp perc hp pf str | Year of composition: 1974 | Duration: 13'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Divertimento : voor amateurorkest en koor, 1946/1993 (opus 859) | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir and orchestra | ||
Scoring: GK4 rec-t 1010 2sax-a 1110 3perc 2pf keyboard str(vl vc cb) | Year of composition: 1946 | Duration: 12'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Divertimento : voor schoolorkest, 1946 | |
Orchestra: School orchestra | ||
Scoring: 1010 0100 pf str(vl vc) | Year of composition: 1946 | |
Hemel, Oscar van | Divertimento : voor strijkorkest = per orchestra d'archi, 1964 | |
Orchestra: String orchestra | ||
Scoring: str | Year of composition: 1964 | Duration: 18'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Divertimento - ballet : voor orkest, 1950 | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 2222 2200 timp perc str | Year of composition: 1950 | Duration: 7'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Divertimento no. 2 : 12 blazers, piano, 1959 | |
Orchestra: Wind ensemble (13 or more players) | ||
Scoring: 2222 2200 pf | Year of composition: 1959 | Duration: 13'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Donquichotterie : voor vier trombones = pour quatuor à trombones, 1962 | |
Chamber music: Trombone | ||
Scoring: 4trb | Year of composition: 1962 | Duration: 8'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Dorpsdans : voor vierstemmig gemengd koor en piano, 1941 | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir and piano | ||
Scoring: GK4 pf | Year of composition: 1941 | Duration: 5'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Entrata : per orchestra, 1964 | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 3333 4331 timp perc str | Year of composition: 1964 | Duration: 8'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Entrata festante : 1953 | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 3223 4331 timp perc str | Year of composition: 1953 | |
Hemel, Oscar van | Feestelijke ouverture : voor orkest | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 2222 4231 timp perc str | Year of composition: 1952 | Duration: 10'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Four Shakespeare sonnets : for mixed choir, 1961 | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir | ||
Scoring: GK4 | Year of composition: 1961 | Duration: 9'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Herdenkings hymne : 1940-1945, kinderstemmen ad lib., gemengd koor, groot symfonie orkest, (1970) | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir and orchestra | ||
Scoring: GK4 (KK ad lib.) 3332 4331 timp perc str | Year of composition: 1955 | |
Hemel, Oscar van | Herdenkings hymne : voor kinderstemmen, gemengd koor, (zeer uitgebreid bezet) koper-orkest en slaginstrumenten, (1955) | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir and wind band | ||
Scoring: KK GK4 0000 4332 2crt tenh barh timp perc | Year of composition: 1955 | |
Hemel, Oscar van | Huwelijkscantate Beatrix - Claus : [voor] sopraan en tenorsolo, gemengd koor, groot orkest, (1965-'66) | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir and orchestra | ||
Scoring: sopr ten GK4 3322 4330 timp perc hp str | Year of composition: 1966 | |
Hemel, Oscar van | Kleine suite : = Petite suite, voor piano, pour piano | |
Chamber music: Piano | ||
Scoring: pf | Year of composition: 1936 | Duration: 7'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Krans der middeleeuwen : gemengd koor, bariton-solo, piano, blaasinstrumenten, 1952 | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir and instruments; Mixed choir and piano | ||
Scoring: bar GK4 (fl ob(eh) cl fg h ad lib.) pf | Year of composition: 1952 | Duration: 25'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Les mystères du Christ : hymne symphonique, pour contre-alto et bariton solo, choeur d'hommes et grand orchestre, psaumes 8-22-23-99-129-28, 1958 | |
Vocal music: Male choir and orchestra | ||
Scoring: alt bar MK2 2223 4331 timp perc hp str | Year of composition: 1958 | Duration: 22'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Le tombeau de Kathleen Ferrier : passacaille et psaume 125, pour altosolo et grand orchestre | |
Vocal music: Voice and orchestra | ||
Scoring: alt 3333 4331 timp perc str | Year of composition: 1954 | Duration: 20'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Maria Magdalena : geestelijke cantate, "van Paeschen" - Ned. geest. lied XV, [voor] gemengd koor, alt- en tenor-solo, orkest, (1941) | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir and orchestra | ||
Scoring: alt ten GK4 2111 1000 cel hp str | Year of composition: 1941 | Duration: 15'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Miser Catulle : per coro d'uomini, (1966) | |
Vocal music: Male choir | ||
Scoring: MK4 | Year of composition: 1966 | |
Hemel, Oscar van | Olof-suite : voor orkest, (1953) | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 2222 sax-t 4231 timp 2perc str | Year of composition: 1953 | Duration: 17'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Pastorale suite : for flute and piano, 1956 | |
Chamber music: Flute and keyboard instrument | ||
Scoring: fl pf | Year of composition: 1956 | Duration: 5'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Pavane en gigue : voor fluit, Eng. hoorn, fagot = pour flûte, cor anglais, basson, sept. 58 | |
Chamber music: Woodwind ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: fl eh fg | Year of composition: 1958 | Duration: 6'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Pianoconcert : 1941-'42 | |
Orchestra: Piano and orchestra | ||
Scoring: 2222 4331 timp perc str pf-solo | Year of composition: 1942 | Duration: 20'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Pianokwartet : 1938 | |
Chamber music: Piano quartet (piano, violin, viola, cello) | ||
Scoring: pf vl vla vc | Year of composition: 1938 | Duration: 19'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Polonaise : per orchestra, 1966 | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 3233 4441 timp perc 2hp str | Year of composition: 1966 | Duration: 7'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Quartetto di strumenti ad arco no. VI : 1961 | |
Chamber music: String quartet (2 violins, viola, cello) | ||
Scoring: 2vl vla vc | Year of composition: 1961 | Duration: 18'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Rondeau et Ballade : pour choeur de femmes avec flûte, quatuor à cordes et harpe, 1959 | |
Vocal music: Female choir and instrument(s) | ||
Scoring: VK2 fl hp 2vl vla vc | Year of composition: 1959 | |
Hemel, Oscar van | Serenade : per orchestra d'archi e trio a fiato (oboe, clar. Si [bemol], fag.), 1965 | |
Orchestra: Two or more different solo instruments and orchestra | ||
Scoring: str ob-cl-fg-solo | Year of composition: 1965 | Duration: 16'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Sextet : = Wind sextet, voor blazers en piano, 1962 | |
Chamber music: Wind sextet (wind quintet and piano) | ||
Scoring: fl ob cl fg h pf | Year of composition: 1962 | |
Hemel, Oscar van | Sonate : no. 2, voor viool en piano | |
Chamber music: Violin and keyboard instrument | ||
Scoring: vl pf | Year of composition: 1945 | Duration: 13'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Sonate : voor viool en piano | |
Chamber music: Violin and keyboard instrument | ||
Scoring: vl pf | Year of composition: 1933 | Duration: 12'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Sonatine : voor de linkerhand = pour la main gauche, 1959 | |
Chamber music: Piano 1 hand | ||
Scoring: pflh | Year of composition: 1959 | |
Hemel, Oscar van | Song of freedom : for mixed choir and orchestra, 1969, revised 1981 | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir and orchestra | ||
Scoring: GK4 3333 4431 timp 4perc hp str | Year of composition: 1969 | Duration: 17'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Strijktrio : 1951 | |
Chamber music: String trio (violin, viola, cello) | ||
Scoring: vl vla vc | Year of composition: 1951 | Duration: 13'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Suite : per due violini, (1966) | |
Chamber music: Violin | ||
Scoring: 2vl | Year of composition: 1966 | Duration: 11'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Suite : per flauto solo e orchestra da camera, 1937 | |
Chamber music: Flute and keyboard instrument | ||
Scoring: fl pf | Year of composition: 1937 | |
Hemel, Oscar van | Suite per flaute solo : e per orchestra di [i.e. da] camera, (1937) | |
Orchestra: Flute and orchestra | ||
Scoring: 0111 1000 str fl-solo | Year of composition: 1937 | Duration: 13'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Suite voor kamerorkest : (1935) | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 2200 0000 pf str | Year of composition: 1935 | Duration: 16'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Symfonie no. 1 | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 3333 4331 timp 3perc str | Year of composition: 1935 | Duration: 14'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Symphonia 4 : 1962 | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 2222 4331 timp perc cel xyl hp str | Year of composition: 1962 | Duration: 18'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Symphonietta | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 2222 2220 timp perc str | Year of composition: 1952 | Duration: 20'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Te Deum : 1958 | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir and orchestra | ||
Scoring: sopr alt ten bas GK4 2222 4331 timp hp str | Year of composition: 1958 | Duration: 12'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Tema con variazioni : per orchestra, (1953) | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 2222 4331 timp perc hp str | Year of composition: 1953 | Duration: 10'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Tema con variazioni : voor piano | |
Chamber music: Piano | ||
Scoring: pf | Year of composition: 1955 | Duration: 10'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Three contrasts : for wind instruments and percussion, 1963 | |
Orchestra: Wind ensemble (13 or more players) | ||
Scoring: 3333 4331 timp 5perc | Year of composition: 1963 | Duration: 12'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Trio : fluit, hobo, fagot, 1959 | |
Chamber music: Woodwind ensemble (2-12 players) | ||
Scoring: fl ob fg | Year of composition: 1959 | |
Hemel, Oscar van | Trio : voor viool, alt en piano | |
Chamber music: Other combinations of strings and keyboard instrument | ||
Scoring: pf vl vla/vc | Year of composition: 1937 | Duration: 12'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Trio : voor viool, violoncello en piano | |
Chamber music: Other combinations of strings and keyboard instrument | ||
Scoring: pf vl vc | Year of composition: 1937 | Duration: 12'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Trittico liturgico : mezzo sopr. e organo, ossia strumenti ad arco | |
Vocal music: Voice and orchestra | ||
Scoring: sopr-m str | Year of composition: 1959 | Duration: 8'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Trittico liturgico : per soprano (mezzo sopr.) e organo | |
Vocal music: Voice and organ | ||
Scoring: sopr/sopr-m org | Year of composition: 1959 | Duration: 8'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Tuin van Holland : symfonisch-vocaal gedicht, zomer 1958 | |
Vocal music: Mixed choir and orchestra | ||
Scoring: sopr bar GK4 2222 4331 timp perc hp str | Year of composition: 1958 | Duration: 12'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Twee liederen : voor bariton en piano, uit "Krans der middeleeuwen" | |
Vocal music: Voice and piano | ||
Scoring: bar pf | Year of composition: 1952 | |
Hemel, Oscar van | Van en voor Oda'tje : voor piano, 1945 | |
Chamber music: Piano | ||
Scoring: pf | Year of composition: 1945 | Duration: 6'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Violinconcerto no. 2 : (1968) | |
Orchestra: Violin and orchestra | ||
Scoring: 2232 4330 timp 5perc cel hp str vl-solo | Year of composition: 1968 | Duration: 14'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | V. symphonie : 1964 (herzien 1980) | |
Orchestra: Orchestra | ||
Scoring: 3332 4331 timp perc hp str | Year of composition: 1964 | Duration: 15'00" |
Hemel, Oscar van | Werken voor beiaard | |
Chamber music: Carillon | ||
Scoring: car | Duration: 22'00" | |
Hemel, Oscar van | Wind quintet : (1972) | |
Chamber music: Wind quintet | ||
Scoring: fl ob cl h fg | Year of composition: 1972 | Duration: 10'00" |
multiple composers | Mano sinistra II : = five pieces by Netherlands composers for piano left hand, vijf stukken van Nederlandse componisten voor piano linkerhand, 1959-1961 | |
Chamber music: Piano 1 hand | ||
Scoring: pflh | Year of composition: 1964 | |
multiple composers | Variaties op een Uilenspiegelthema | |
Orchestra: Violin and orchestra | ||
Scoring: 3222 4330 timp perc (hp ad lib.) str 2vl-solo | Year of composition: 1958 | Duration: 21'00" |
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