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Sonate biblique : pour la fête de Noël, piano à 4-mains / Marius Monnikendam

Publisher: Amsterdam: Donemus, cop. 1967
Publisher's number: 00802
Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Piano 4 hands
Scoring: pf4h
Remarks: In opdracht van de Johan Wagenaarstichting. - Jaar van comp.: 1967. - Tijdsduur: 16'
Duration: 16'00"
Number of players: 2
Year of composition: 1967
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Monnikendam, Marius (Composer)
Tema con variazione

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Product Description Price/piece Count
Score Download to Newzik (B4), 30 pages EUR 19.15
Download as PDF (B4), 30 pages EUR 22.98
Hardcopy, normal size (B4), 30 pages EUR 38.30
Hardcopy, study size (A4), 30 pages EUR 31.40