related works

VIII: IJzer : voor viool en piano, '65 / Jos Kunst

Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Violin and keyboard instrument
Scoring: vl pf

Lamento pacis III : for choir and instruments on texts of Erasmus / Ton de Leeuw

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Mixed choir and instruments; Mixed choir
Scoring: 4sopr 4alt 4ten 4bas (picc vla ad lib.)

Cantate for a spring day : for soprano solo, mixed 16 part chorus and orchestra / Walter Hekster

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Mixed choir and instruments
Scoring: sopr 4sopr 4alt 4ten 4 bas 2fl 2h 2trb 6fl 2vla cb prc

De aarde : tekst: J. Slauerhoff, voor sopraan, gemengd koor, klarinet, trompet & 2 piano's, (Deel II), 1999 / Jan Boerman

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Mixed choir and instruments
Scoring: sopr GK4 cl trp 2pf



XVI : Trajectoire, pour 16 chanteurs et 11 instrumentistes, 69/70 / Jos Kunst

Publisher: Amsterdam: Donemus, cop. 1970
Publisher's number: 07814
Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Mixed choir and instruments
Scoring: 4sopr 4alt 4ten 4bas fl(picc) ob cl fg h 2perc hp vl vla vc
Remarks: Voor koor S(4)A(4)T(4)B(4), fluit (tevens piccolo), hobo, klarinet, hoorn, fagot, viool, altviool, cello, harp en 2 slagwerkers. - Klanktekst. - Tijdsduur: 7'20''
Duration: 8'00"
Year of composition: 1970
Status: not yet digitized (expected delivery time 14 days)

Other authors:
Kunst, Jos (Composer)

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