related works

Orgelconcert : voor orgel en orkest / Albert de Klerk

Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Organ and orchestra
Scoring: pic 2fl 2ob 2cl 2fg 4h 2trp 3trb tb timp str org-solo

St. Mark Passion : for soloists, male choir, orchestra and tape / Henk Badings

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Male choir and orchestra; Multimedia and singing voice(s) with or without instrument(s)
Scoring: recit high ten bar bas 2MK4 2222 3330 timp 2perc cel str tape

Zwartbaard : voor mannenkoor en orkest, 1953 / [tekst van:] (Jan Slauerhof), Jan van Dijk

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Male choir and orchestra
Scoring: MK4 2222 2310 timp perc str

Tre pezzi sulla musica : voor mannenkoor, sopraan, bariton en orkest, 1977 / Antoon Maessen

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Male choir and orchestra
Scoring: sopr bar MK4 2222 3330 timp perc str



Te Deum : voor mezzosopraan-solo, mannenkoor en orkest, 1979 / Albert de Klerk

Publisher: Amsterdam: Donemus, cop. 1980
Publisher's number: 07713
Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Male choir and orchestra
Scoring: sopr-m MK4 2222 4230 timp perc hp str
Remarks: Koorbez.: TTBB. - In opdracht van het ministerie van C.R.M. ter gelegenheid van het 150-jarig bestaan van "Zang en Vriendschap" te Haarlem. - Tijdsduur: ca. 18'
Duration: 18'00"
Year of composition: 1979
Status: not yet digitized (expected delivery time 14 days)

Other authors:
Klerk, Albert de (Composer)

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