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Frans Hals suite : for carillon, 1990 / Piet Kee

Publisher: Amsterdam: Donemus, 1990
Publisher's number: 05481
Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Carillon
Scoring: car
Remarks: In opdracht van de Vereniging van Vrienden van het Frans Hals Museum t.g.v. de internationale Frans Hals tentoonstelling 1990, Haarlem. - Opgedragen aan Bernard Winsemius. - Cop. 1990. - Tijdsduur: ca. 13'
Duration: 13'00"
Number of players: 1
Year of composition: 1990
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Kee, Piet (Composer)
Luid stuk
Sarabande voor Judith Leyster
Frans Hals toccata
Program note (English): The piece was written for a 4-octave carillon without C sharp and E flat, but in the score suggestions are made for performance on a carillon with a more extensive bass register.
Part 1: The double meaning of the title: "Luid stuk" could be said to have an equivalent in the English translation: Ringing piece. In the three sections, the ringing is treated from different angles; every bell has its own tempo. Occasionally the English tradition of change ringing has left its traces.
Part 2 should be seen as a gesture to one of the most intriguing persons in Frans Hals' environment: the paintress Judith Leyser*, who probably was also his student. The classical rhythm of the sarabande forms the rhythmic basis. The tremoli in the upper octaves, accompanying descending melodic lines, play an important part.
Part 3 is a lively finale, pervaded with the musical material supplied by the names Frans (f, a, e flat) and Hals (b, a, e flat). Rapid virtuoso passages alternate with prominent festivo sections and reminiscences of the first two parts. Again, the influence of change ringing can be heard. This work can also be performed on carillons tuned in mean-tone temperament. - PIET KEE

*Among her paintings are: De Serenade (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam), and De fluitspelende jongen (Boy playing the flute; Stockholm)

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