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Chordis canam : for harpsichord and soundtracks, 1989 / Roderik de Man

Publisher: Amsterdam: Donemus, cop. 1989
Publisher's number: 05428
Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Harpsichord; Electronics with different instruments; Harpsichord with multimedia
Scoring: cemb tape
Remarks: Opgedragen aan Annelie de Man en Sies Bleeker. - Tijdsduur: 10'15''
Duration: 11'00"
Number of players: 1
Year of composition: 1989
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Man, Roderik de (Composer)
Program note (English): The title of this composition is taken from a text (Chordis Canam: by chords I shall sing), which originally embellished Annelie de Man's harpsichord. Since she exclusively performs contemporary music, she decided to ask the Frisian painter Sies Bleeker to give the instrument a more appropriate appearance. The result struck me in such a manner, that I decided to write a composition based on this transformation. All sounds, except one, originate from the harpsichord. The intention is that the living harpsichord sound mingles with the one of the tape, in such a way that it is not always clear which of the two plays the leading part in this interaction. Chordis Canam was selected for the ISCM World Music Days in Oslo, 1990. - RODERIK DE MAN

Sheet Music
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Product Description Price/piece Count
Score Download to Newzik (A4), 30 pages EUR 15.70
Download as PDF (A4), 30 pages EUR 18.84
Hardcopy, normal size (A4), 30 pages EUR 31.40
Electro-acoustic Download, 11 files, 83.123 MB EUR 25.00
CD/DVD, 11 files, 83.123 MB EUR 35.00