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91 works in Donemus catalogue

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Dhawa-cendak : for gamelan ensemble and tape, 1993 / Roderik de Man

Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Gamelan; Electronics with different instruments; Gamelan with multimedia
Scoring: gamelan (14 players) tape

Ecoute, écoute! : for bass clarinet and sound tracks, 1999 / Roderik de Man

Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Clarinet; Electronics with different instruments; Clarinet with multimedia
Scoring: cl-b tape

Sorts of Numbers : for soprano recorder, Paetzold and electronics / Roderik de Man

Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Recorder with multimedia
Scoring: rec electronics

latest edition

Elongated Fingers : for clavichord / Roderik de Man

Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Harpsichord
Scoring: clav



Man, Roderik de

Nationality: Netherlands
Date of birth: 1941-05-23
Website: Featured Composer's Page ; Officiële website

Roderik de Man was born in Bandung, Indonesia, on May 23 1941.

Education: Roderik studied percussion with Frans van der Kraan and Theory of Music at the Royal Coservatory in The Hague. At the same time he participated in the composition class of Kees van Baaren and worked in the electronic studio supervised by Dick Raaymakers.

Career: Between 1972 and 2008 Roderick worked as a teacher in music theory and composition at the Royal Conservatory The Hague. He also served as a member of the board of directors of the rights organisation Genootschap van Nederlandse Componisten from 1993–97.

Compositions: His oeuvre consists of solo works, chamber, orchestral, ensemble and choral music. Many of his works are available on cd. Roderik de Man mainly focuses on chamber music and works for smaller ensembles, which partly stems from his desire to have personal contact with the musicians for whom he works. Color and rhythm are the characteristics of his musical language, as well as an adventurous, open approach to composing styles and techniques. Roderik writes both instrumental works and works for instruments combined with electronics. However, pure electronic documents are exceptions, partly because he realizes that presentation is an important part of the musical performance. In several works he combines his music with other arts.

“It seems my music often evokes images and is associated with journeys or trajectories. As long as it concerns a trajectory of which the destination is unknown and the listener experiences feelings of expectancy at the beginning and fascination throughout the journey, I have no objection at all to this comparison.”

Roderik received many commissions from e.g. the Performing Arts Fund NL and his music was performed and broadcasted in Europe, the United States, Canada, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Indonesia, Korea and Japan.

Awards: Among his honours are four prizes in the Concours International de Musique Électroacoustique de Bourges (Second Prize, 1991, for ‘Chordis Canam'; Second Prize, 1999, for ‘Air to Air’; First Prime, 2005, for ‘Cordes invisibles’; Golden Euphony, 2010, for Cordes invisibles) and five performances at the ISCM World Music Days (1991, Oslo; 1993, Mexico City; 1997, Seoul; 1999, Bucharest; 2004, Genve; 2007, Hongkong; 2010, Sydney). ‘Chromophores’ was performed during the World Music Days in Hong Kong and was awared a honorable mention by Ars Electronica 2007.

Furthermore, Marionette and Hear, hear! were nominated by the Toonzetters in 2008 and 2009.Also, Cordes Invisibles” was received a Golden Euphony in 2010.

In addition, several pieces were awarded in the Musica Nova Prize Competition: First Prize, 2004, for ‘Music, when soft voices die…’; First Prize, 2011, for ‘Thou single wilt prove none’; First Prize, 2012, for ‘Music for a Maverick’; Honorary Mention 2015 for ‘Les Extrêmes se touchent’.


Roderik de Man (23 mei 1941, Bandung, Indonesië) studeert slagwerk bij Frans van der Kraan, en muziektheorie aan het Koninklijk Conservatorium te Den Haag. Tegelijkertijd volgt hij de compositieklas van Kees van Baaren en werkt hij in de elektronische studio onder leiding van Dick Raaymakers.

1972 - 2008

De Man is docent theoretische vakken en compositie aan het Koninklijk Conservatorium te Den Haag.


De Man componeert zijn eerste gepubliceerde werk, 'Frenzy' voor klavecimbel, voor zijn echtgenote de klaveciniste Annelie de Man.


De Man behaalt de tweede prijs van de competitie van het Festival de Musique Electroacoustique de Bourges met 'Chordis canam' (1989)

1999 - 2000

Roderik de Man behaalt met 'Air to Air' (1998) de tweede prijs van de competitie van het Festival de Musique Electroacoustique de Bourges, en een jaar later eveneens de tweede prijs op het internationale compositieconcours Città di Torino 2000.


De Man behaalt de eerste prijs van de competitie Musica Nova in Praag met 'Music, when soft voices die...' (2002)


De Man behaalt de eerste prijs van de competitie van het Festival de Musique Electroacoustique de Bourges met 'Cordes invisibles' (2004).


'Cordes invisibles' (2004), voor piano, cello en tape, is in oktober bekroond met de The Golden Euphonie, als een van de vijf beste composities uit de periode 2005-2009 van het compositieconcours voor elektro-akoestische muziek in Bourges.