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Nagras : for orchestra, 1988 / Paul Termos

Publisher: Amsterdam: Donemus, cop. 1988
Publisher's number: 04512
Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Orchestra
Scoring: 2fl 2ob 2cl 2fg 4h 3trp 3trb (4Wag-tb ad lib.)tb-b 2perc str
Remarks: In opdracht van het Fonds voor de Scheppende Toonkunst. - Opgedragen aan het Nederlands Studenten Orkest. - Tijdsduur: ca. 15'
Duration: 15'00"
Year of composition: 1988
Status: not yet digitized (expected delivery time 14 days)

Other authors:
Termos, Paul (Composer)
Program note (English): Nagras (according to the Dutch dictionary Van Dale: hay or grass that still stands after mowing) is a rudimentary attempt, often borrowed from the 19th century (like the funeral bell and the monumental unisons), arranged in such a way that a tight, binding and obsessing plea arises. The naked context and the extremely basic harmony make it possible that small changes bring about a strong impact. The piece is constructed in three phases, in which the last has a relaxing (uitsmijter = final number) function. - PAUL TERMOS

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