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Partita : per orchestra, 1960 / Hans Henkemans

Publisher: Amsterdam: Donemus, cop. 1960
Publisher's number: 03949
Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Orchestra
Scoring: 3333 4331 timp perc cel 2hp pf str
Remarks: In opdracht van de gemeente Amsterdam. - Tijdsduur: 25'
Duration: 25'00"
Year of composition: 1960
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Henkemans, Hans (Composer)
Alla marcia
Movimento brioso
Program note (English): The work consists of four movements, independent in spite of unmistakable thematic relationships but, as constituent parts of a totality, not to be separated.
The composition begins with an "alla marcia" which, in the framework of a free overall form, presents two contrasting motifs (as well as a number of subsidiary themes) in various guises: as thematic material of a more or less typical military march, as structural elements of a fugue, as melodic fragments in a cadenza-like episode for the whole orchestra, and finally as musical pillars of a funeral march.
The second movement -Movimento brioso- is, viewed as a whole, a very lively, here and there boisterous, piece. Structurally it may be said to have a free ternary form (A-B-A), in which the middle section is roughly twice as slow and moves above an ostinato bass derived directly from the main theme of A.
The third movement -Fantasia- proceeds for the most part at a very slow tempo. After an introduction -in which, among other elements, a triplet motif may be remarked wich turns out to be of great importance in the development of the movement- the violas embark on a long melody. Through the frequent use of unusual time-signatures and metrical units, this melody sounds very free in rhythm; the technique might properly be described as written-out rubato. The rather free structure of the movement is governed by the development of this principal theme, combined with elements from the introduction and interrupted only by a short, violent and somewhat quicker episode.
The final Tarantella conforms strictly in matters of tempo and rhythm to the requirements of this very fast Italian dance. After a short, vehement introduction, the first violins, accompanied by violas, cellos and basses, embark on the first theme. In the further course of the piece appear a songlike second theme, first introduced by the clarinet, and a third, light in character and capricious in contour. The interplay of these three motifs gives the movement a rondo-like structure. However, the Tarantella is by no means as simple in feeling as such a formal scheme might suggest: the shifting course of the musical argument endows this finale with clearly dramatic overtones. - HANS HENKEMANS

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Score Download to Newzik (A3), 146 pages EUR 73.51
Download as PDF (A3), 146 pages EUR 88.21
Hardcopy, normal size (A3), 146 pages EUR 147.02
Hardcopy, study size (A4), 146 pages EUR 98.68
Rental Part(s) Download to Newzik (B4), 327 pages EUR 124.58
Download as PDF (B4), 327 pages EUR 149.50
Hardcopy, normal size (B4), 327 pages EUR 249.17
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