related works

The square world : a creation for mr. Ed Boogaard, concerto for alto saxophone and orchestra, 1984 / Ted Ponjee

Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Saxophone and orchestra
Scoring: 2222 2110 2perc str sax-a-solo

Mozart’s Ghosts : for 5 instrumentalists / Luc Brewaeys

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Subgenre: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players)
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arena : for organ and trumpet (ad libitum) / Piet-Jan van Rossum

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Subgenre: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players); Trumpet and keyboard instrument
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No pain, no gain : for accordion and alto saxophone, 1993, revision 1994 / Chiel Meijering

Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players)
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The looping sonata : for horn and harpsichord, 1983 / Ted Ponjee

Publisher: Amsterdam: Donemus, cop. 1983
Publisher's number: 02537
Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players); Horn and keyboard instrument
Scoring: h cemb
Remarks: Opgedragen aan Thora Johansen en Johan Donker Kaat. - Tijdsduur: min. ca. 9'45'', max. ca. 15'45''. - Bevat 3 delen
Duration: 13'00"
Number of players: 2
Year of composition: 1983
Status: not yet digitized (expected delivery time 14 days)

Other authors:
Ponjee, Ted (Composer)

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