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Magyar újrakeverés : Theatrical action for tenor recorder, mezzosoprano, string orchestra and electronics / Rick van Veldhuizen

Publisher's number: 22114
Genre: Multimedia
Subgenre: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players) with multimedia
Scoring: zang/rec-t str tape
Remarks: Commissioned by Amsterdam Sinfonietta . Premiere: 10 February 2023 by Lucie Horsch and Amsterdam Sinfonietta in Concertzaal, Tilburg.
Duration: 5'30"
Year of composition: 2023
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Veldhuizen, Rick van (Composer)
Based on ethnomusicological recordings and manuscripts made by Béla Bartók and others, which were sung by people in the ethnically Hungarian parts of present-day Romania, Magyar újrakeverés playfully explores the question of when a version (whether it be written down, recorded or orally reproduced) is truly a definitive version – and whether that matters. As such, it pays homage not only to the original singers and their microtonal inflections, but also to Kate Bush’s work with the Trio Bulgarka and, more specifically, the remix tradition of the 1990s. And to the media these songs and remixes were rendered in – be they the oral tradition, phonograph rolls from 1911, LPs from 1938 or the DAW I’m using in 2023.
Rick van Veldhuizen

Sheet Music
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Product Description Price/piece Count
Score Download to Newzik (B4), 22 pages EUR 16.31
Download as PDF (B4), 22 pages EUR 19.57
Hardcopy, normal size (B4), 22 pages EUR 32.62
Hardcopy, study size (A4), 22 pages EUR 26.76
Rental Part(s) Download to Newzik (A4), 78 pages EUR 29.62
Download as PDF (A4), 78 pages EUR 35.54
Hardcopy, normal size (A4), 78 pages EUR 59.24
You can rent this work by purchasing a rental license for one or more performances. If you buy a license you also need to buy 1 copy of the rental parts (see above). For each performance you need to obtain a rental license. More information about renting is available at the Donemus website. Please contact Donemus Publishing if you have any questions about renting before buying a license.
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Live broadcast
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Audio broadcast (radio, internet)
Total license costs
Video broadcast (TV, streaming)
Total license costs
CD/DVD recordings
If you want to record this work to CD or DVD you can acquire a license here. For every title you need to obtain a license.
CD/DVD titles
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