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Journey of the Birds : for piano / Jisk Lieftink

Publisher's number: 21672
Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Piano
Scoring: pf
Remarks: A bundle with 10 lyrical piano pieces inspired by the ancient epic poem, "The Conference of the Birds," by the Persian Sufi writer Fariduddin Attar.
Duration: 18'00"
Number of players: 1
Year of composition: 2020-2022
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Lieftink, Jisk (Composer)
Once upon a time, all the birds in the land decided they needed a leader for their community. A leader, they thought, would make their community stronger. Representatives of all the bird species gathered for a conference. "I know where you can find such a leader," said the hoopoe bird. "It is the Simorgh and it lives far from here. We have to go through seven valley’s in order to find it."
"When the birds hear the description of these valleys, they bow their heads in distress; some even die of fright right then and there. But despite their trepidations, they begin the great journey. On the way, many perish of thirst, heat or illness, while others fall prey to wild beasts, panic, and violence.
Finally, only thirty birds make it to the royal court of the Simorgh. The birds stood beside hoopoe and realized they were on the edge of a lake. They looked in... and saw their own reflections. In the end, the birds learn that they themselves are the Simorgh; They eventually come to understand that it is like the sun that can be seen reflected in a mirror. Yet, whoever looks into that mirror will also behold his or her own image.

Sheet Music
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Product Description Price/piece Count
Score Download to Newzik (A4), 36 pages EUR 17.44
Download as PDF (A4), 36 pages EUR 20.92
Hardcopy, normal size (A4), 36 pages EUR 24.50