related works

The Correspondence : for two pianos / Georgs Pelecis & Vladimir Martynov

Genre: Chamber music
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Scoring: 2pf

Memento '45 : (ter herinnering aan de gevallenen van het verzet), orchestra, (1945) / Jaap Geraedts

Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Orchestra
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Trillende grond : voor kamerorkest en heimachine / Hans Asselbergs

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Preparatori : for large wind orchestra, 1988 / Enrique Raxach

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Psalm No. 62 : for women's choir / Georgs Pelecis

Publisher's number: 17967
Genre: Unknown
Duration: 5'00"
Year of composition: 2009
Status: not yet digitized (expected delivery time 14 days)

Other authors:
Pelecis, Georgs (Composer)

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