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87 works in Donemus catalogue

popular works

I See His Blood Upon the Rose : for mixed choir / Georgs Pelecis; text Joseph Plunkett

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Mixed choir
Scoring: GK

Vier Weihnachten : for soprano and saxophone quartet / Georgs Pelecis; lyrics by Martina Lukits-Wally

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Voice and instrument(s)
Scoring: sopr sax-s sax-a sax-ten sax-bar

Pages of a Biography : Concerto for violin, vibraphone and strings / Georgs Pelecis

Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Large ensemble (12 or more players)
Scoring: vn-solo vibr-solo str

latest edition

Aria from Goldberg Variations : for ensemble / Johann Sebastian Bach; arranged by Georgs Pelecis

Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: String orchestra
Scoring: vn-solo vibr str



Pelecis, Georgs

Latvian composer Georgs Pelecis is born in Riga, capital of Latvia (1947). After finishing the musical college of the native town he graduated from the class of composition in the Moscow Conservatory with the famous Armenian composer Aram Kchachaturjan. Later he graduated from the same conservatory as musicologist with the master dissertation devoted to the Netherlands composer of the 15-th century Johannes Ockeghem and then - the doctor dissertation about counterpoint of Palestrina. 
Since 1970 till present Georgs Pelecis is professor of counterpoint and fugue at the Latviam Academy of music. Many years he works on both fields as musicologist and composer. In the first sphere he has written a number of essays about music or Renaissance, Baroque, classicism and art of the 20th century. In the 1994 he has got the medal of International Palestrina Centre in Rome. In the second sphere he is the author of a great number of pieces for piano, choir, orchestra and different ensembles which are performed in many concerts and festivals all over the world. Consonant and diatonic sounding as well as new simplicity and positive moods are typical for his creation.