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Concerti Ecclesiastici : 21 Motets for 2-5 voices and basso continuo / Ignazio Donati; transcribed and edited by Cees Wagemakers

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Concerti Ecclesiastici : 21 Motets for 2-5 voices and basso continuo / Ignazio Donati; transcribed and edited by Cees Wagemakers

Publisher's number: 16965
Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Mixed choir
Scoring: GK
Remarks: Early Music Edition.
Year of composition: 1618
Status: Unique collection of Renaissance manuscripts transposed to contemporary notation. Hundreds of vocal works that had been hidden away in various libraries across Europe, now available for the first time, thanks to tireless work of editor Cees Wagemakers.

Other authors:
Wagemakers, Cees (Editor)
Donati, Ignazio (Composer)
In te Domine speravi | SS or TT (3’45”)
Surge amica mea | SSB (2’45”)
Cantemus Domino | SSS or TTT (3’45”)
Non vobis relinquam orphanos | SSS or TTT (3’15”)
Iustus es Domine | STB or SSB (3’30”)
Gaude Maria Virgo | STB or TSB (3’45”)
Ego diligentes me diligo | SATB (3’30”)
Iste est qui ante Deum | SATB (4’)
Adiuro vos, filiæ Ierusalem | SATB (5’45”)
Venite filii | SATB (6’15”)
Paratum cor meum, Deus | SATTB (3’45”)
Cantate Deo | SS or TT (3’)
O Iesu mi dulcissime | SATTB (4’15”)
Exultate omnes qui diligitis | SATTB (4’)
O Dulcis et bone Iesu | AT (3’45”)
Egredimini amatores | AT or BS (4’)
In te Domine confido | ST (4’30”)
O porta cæli | SA or TB (5’)
Pulchra facie | SS or TT (2’30”)
Beatus Pater Franciscus | AT or AS (4’)
Dominus sit vobiscum | SS or TT (3’15”)
This book by Ignazio Donato - in the Library of Bologna, Italy - from 1618 is called: “Concerti Ecclesiastici a Due, Tre, Quattro & Cinque Voci, con il Basso per sonar nell’Organo, d’Ignatio Donati, maestro di Cappella dello Spirito Santo de Ferrara. Opera Quarta, Dedicati all’ Illustrissimo Signor Conte Nicolo Roverelli.” Printed in Venice by Giacomo Vincenti in 1618; Vincenti being one of the three major music publishers of Venice, together with Scotto and Gardano.
This is the fourth book of Concerti Ecclesiastici presented by Donemus, after the ones by Giovanni Bassano, Giovanni Martino Cesare and Fra Arcangelo Crotti. The style of these motets is festive, the voices cascading after one another. The basso continuo part is an individual part and not dubbing the lowest voice in the whole piece, as we often see in basso continuo parts.
Cees Wagemakers, 2018

Sheet Music
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Score Download to Newzik (A4), 130 pages EUR 44.70
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Hardcopy, normal size (A4), 130 pages EUR 89.40