related works

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Two Songs of Praise : for 6 voices / Johannes de Fossa, Jean Guyot de Châtelet; transcribed and edited by Cees Wagemakers

Publisher's number: 16291
Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Mixed choir
Scoring: GK
Remarks: Early Music Edition.
Duration: 22'15"
Year of composition: 1575
Status: Unique collection of Renaissance manuscripts transposed to contemporary notation. Hundreds of vocal works that had been hidden away in various libraries across Europe, now available for the first time, thanks to tireless work of editor Cees Wagemakers.

Other authors:
Fossa, Johann de (Composer)
Wagemakers, Cees (Editor)
Châtelet, Jean Guyot de (Composer)
The Bavarian State Library (Bin Munich, Germany) has a unique collection of large folio format choirbooks from the Bavarian court music ensemble, predominantly from the time of Orlando di Lasso serving as court music director. Several splendidly illustrated choir books originally belonged to the personal collection of the Bavarian dukes. The most beautiful one is the collection of motets by Cipriano de Rore for Duke Albrecht V, also available at Donemus. Choirbooks have all the parts on two facing pages, in contrast to the separate books for each voice that we see mostly in Renaissance editions. So a page turn had to come at the same moment for all the voices.
The works presented here come from a choirbook in the Bavarian State Library, (BSB-Hss 515) the origin of which is estimated between 1565 and 1585. This choirbook contains only two works: Magnificat by Joannes de Fossa and Te Deum by his teacher Jean Guyot de Châtelet. Both works are written for 6 voices (SSAATB) and contain only alternating verses. The makeshift plainchant verses - not presented in the original score - are made after a LUEd. 1941 (Solesmes), the punctuation of which is used throughout both works. The two hymns have a French text setting.
Was it De Fossa himself who wrote this choirbook? It is a totally different handwriting compared to all the others.
Cees Wagemakers

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Score Download to Newzik (A4), 46 pages EUR 20.34
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Hardcopy, normal size (A4), 46 pages EUR 40.68