related works
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Frames (Omlijstingen) : for oboe, violin, violoncello and piano (and optional video) / Rieteke Hölscher
Other authors:
Hölscher, Rieteke
Auto / Car (for oboe) (3’30”
Via Dolorosa (for oboe and violoncello) (4’30”)
De strijd tegen het water / The battle against water (for oboe, violoncello and piano) (2’50”)
Meutes / Packs (for oboe, violin, violoncello and piano) (3’)
Hollandse Gouden eeuw / Dutch Golden Age (for violin, violoncello and piano) (2’15”)
Reset (for violin and piano) (3’)
‘Naar Juan Gris’ / ‘After Juan Gris’ (for piano) (2’15”).
In cooperation with the Dutch painter Wim Janssen I wrote seven frames as a musical response to seven series of paintings with the same title. The instrumentation first increases and then decreases, like a musical crescendo and diminuendo. The compositions were written spontaneous and in an intuitive way. Especially 'Via Dolorosa' and 'Reset' are very topical subjects in 2016, they successively imagine the forced eviction of failed asylum seekers, and the 'coloring' of Dutch society by the large influx of immigrants.
The series 'Car' illustrates the experience of a car driver in the Netherlands, 'The battle against the water' gives an impression of the sea threatening in ancient Holland, 'Packs' shows the power of large crowds. In the series 'Dutch Golden Age' both Janssen and myself were inspired by the old masters in both visual and musical ways. 'After Juan Gris' is a response to the cubistic period of the Spanish painter Juan Gris. Janssen created a number of still lifes with percussion instruments instead of the traditional violins and guitars. Musically I translated the still lifes of percussion into piano music.
Rieteke Hölscher