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Lamentations of Jeremiah : Passions and motets in the Holy Week / Printed by Pierre Attaignant; transcribed and edited by Cees Wagemakers

Publisher's number: 14282
Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Mixed choir
Scoring: GK
Remarks: Early Music Edition.
Year of composition: 1534
Status: Unique collection of Renaissance manuscripts transposed to contemporary notation. Hundreds of vocal works that had been hidden away in various libraries across Europe, now available for the first time, thanks to tireless work of editor Cees Wagemakers.

Other authors:
Wagemakers, Cees (Editor)
Attaignant, Pierre (Curator)
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One of Attaignant's magna opera was a series of books containing sacred works used throughout the liturgical year. The tenth book in this series presented here is printed first in 1534. It contains Lamentations of Jeremiah in the Holy Week, Passions of Matthew and John, and several antiphons and motets by contemporaries such as Philippe Verdelot, Jacquet de Mantou, Claudin de Sermisy and others.
The original title of the tenth book is: Liber decimus: Passiones Dominice in ramis palmarum veneris sancte: necnon lectiones
feriarum quinte/sexte/ac sabbati hebdomade sancte mult atque alia quadragesime congruentia continet, ut palam videre licet.
The Hebrew letters aleph, ghimel, zain, mem etc., used in Jeremiah’s Lamentations are the initial letters of the Hebrew verse that is used in a Latin translation.

Cees Wagemakers, 2015

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