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Along the Shores of Lorn : for symphony orchestra / Luc Brewaeys

Publisher's number: 13627
Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Orchestra
Scoring: picc fl ob eh cl cl-b 2fg 2h 2trp 2perc str
Duration: 12'00"
Year of composition: 2004-2005
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Brewaeys, Luc (Composer)
This work was composed in 2005 on commission of the Symfonieorkest van Vlaanderen. They first performed it at the Brussels Conservatory on February 24, 2005 conducted by their chief-conductor Etienne Siebens "Along the Shores of Lorn" are the first words of the "explanation" on the back label of the bottles which contain "OBAN". The work takes its basic ideas from that piece, but became a little like a "firework" coming out of the rocket which 'OBAN' originally was. The piece is in one movement, but consists of four sections. The work begins with an introduction based on flageolet-tones in the strings, along with a kind of split pseudo-unisson melody. This is followed by a fairly long, rapid passage in what I would call "(des)-articulated counterpoint". The third section is extremely slow (maybe a huge breath?) and mainly deals with "special" timbres, which are amplified and permutated compared to 'OBAN'. A duo for the two trumpets on a repeated pulse leads to the coda, which is longer than the one of the "fellow-piece", is incredibly fast and features the virtuosity of the orchestra in an almost breath-taking way. Finally the Bass Drum concludes the piece alone, as he started. I dedicated the score to artist Mark Verstockt in friendship and admiration for the intenstity and extremely high quality of his works. I also felt very close to him when we discussed our mutual approach towards our creative "jobs".

Sheet Music
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Score Download to Newzik (A3), 52 pages EUR 32.62
Download as PDF (A3), 52 pages EUR 39.14
Hardcopy, normal size (A3), 52 pages EUR 65.24
Hardcopy, study size (A4), 52 pages EUR 44.16
Rental Part(s) Download to Newzik (A4), 212 pages EUR 68.48
Download as PDF (A4), 212 pages EUR 82.17
Hardcopy, normal size (A4), 212 pages EUR 136.96
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