related works

Moriae Encomium : for orchestra / Marijn Simons

Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Orchestra
Scoring: pic 3fl 3ob CA 3cl cl-b fg cfg 8h 5trp 2trb trb-b tb-t tb-b timp drums 2hp str

juli 2008 : for ensemble / Toek Numan

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Subgenre: Percussion and instrument(s) and keyboard instrument
Scoring: fl-a(fl) ob cl fg h trp trb vibr pf

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Subgenre: Percussion and instrument(s) and keyboard instrument
Scoring: 2cl cl-b harm pf perc(recit) vl vla vc

Impromtu : for ensemble : opus 133 / Jo van den Booren

Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Percussion and instrument(s) and keyboard instrument
Scoring: fl cl(cl-b) vl vc perc pf



The Legend of Kwahkaazuh : for ensemble / Marijn Simons

Publisher: Amsterdam: Muziek Centrum Nederland, cop. 2009
Publisher's number: 12066
Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Percussion and instrument(s) and keyboard instrument
Scoring: cl vibr pf vl cb
Remarks: The world première took place on 13 March 2010 at the Theater aan het Vrijthof in Maastricht (The Netherlands), performed by the Simons Ensemble and Marijn Simons (conductor).
Duration: 30'00"
Number of players: 5
Year of composition: 2009
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Simons, Marijn (Composer)
Delen: 1. Air Sculptures II 2. Ped Xing 3. Ugly Cannibals 4. Hopelessly Perfect 5. Emoticónico 6. The Legend of Kwahkaazuh

Sheet Music
If you are going to perform this composition, you can enter your concert information here. We will publish this information at the Donemus Facebook page and in the Donemus Concert Agenda.
You can buy the parts or other related products on-line. If you choose a downloadable product you will receive the product in digital form. In all other cases the product is sent to you physically. Please note that you require a copy of this product for every user.
Product Description Price/piece Count
Score Download to Newzik (B4), 54 pages EUR 27.67
Download as PDF (B4), 54 pages EUR 33.20
Hardcopy, normal size (B4), 54 pages EUR 55.34
Hardcopy, study size (A4), 54 pages EUR 45.32
Part(s) Download to Newzik (B4), 80 pages EUR 36.90
Download as PDF (B4), 80 pages EUR 44.28
Hardcopy, normal size (B4), 80 pages EUR 73.80