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Publisher: Amsterdam: Muziek Centrum Nederland, cop. 2010
Publisher's number: 11718
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Scoring: soloists GK4 MK2 fl fl(pic) ob ob(eh) 2cl fg fg(cfg) 2h trp trp(trp-p) trb-t trb-b tb 5timp cel(pf, el. pf) 8perc str( erhu-solo
Remarks: Voor soli, koor SATB, koor TB, orkest en diverse Chinese solo-instrumenten. - In opdracht van de Nationale Reisopera. - Met financiële steun van het Fonds voor de Podiumkunsten +.
Duration: 120'00"
Year of composition: 2008; rev. 2010
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Haverkamp, Friso (Text writer/Librettist)
Jeths, Willem (Composer)

Sheet Music
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Product Description Price/piece Count
Score Download to Newzik (A3), 292 pages EUR 137.02
Download as PDF (A3), 292 pages EUR 164.42
Hardcopy, normal size (A3), 292 pages EUR 274.04
Hardcopy, study size (A4), 292 pages EUR 183.36
Piano Reduction Download to Newzik (B4), 244 pages EUR 95.12
Download as PDF (B4), 244 pages EUR 114.14
Hardcopy, normal size (B4), 244 pages EUR 190.24
Vocal Score Download to Newzik (A4), 237 pages EUR 37.86
Download as PDF (A4), 237 pages EUR 45.43
Hardcopy, normal size (A4), 237 pages EUR 75.73
Choirpart Download to Newzik (A4), 142 pages EUR 24.09
Download as PDF (A4), 142 pages EUR 28.90
Hardcopy, normal size (A4), 142 pages EUR 48.18