
Diepenbrock, Alphons

Alphons Diepenbrock is a classicist and composer. Owing in part to this unique combination, he is one of the most interesting personalities in Dutch musical life around 1900. Without developing ...

related works

En sourdine : voor lage stem en orkest, 1910 / orkestratie Hendrik Andriessen, Alphons Diepenbrock

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Voice and orchestra
Scoring: alt/bar 1000 1000 str(

Missa : opus 69, per coro di uomini ed organo, 1988 / Jo van den Booren

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Subgenre: Male choir and organ
Scoring: MK4 org

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Subgenre: Male choir and organ
Scoring: MK4 org

Ave verum corpus : for baritone solo, male choir and organ, 1992 / Simon Pluister

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Subgenre: Male choir and organ
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Missa in die festo : 1890-94, voor tenor, dubbel mannenkoor en orgel = for tenor solo, double male choir and organ / edited by Ton Braas & Odilia Vermeulen, Alphons Diepenbrock

Publisher: Utrecht, Amsterdam: Koninklijke Vereniging van Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis, Donemus, 2005
Publisher's number: 11336
Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Male choir and organ
Scoring: ten MK8 org
Remarks: Met portret en facsimilé. - Biografie, voorw. en kritisch bericht tevens in het Engels. - Met financiële steun van de Stichting G.H.G. von Brucken Fock Fonds en de M.A.O.C. Gravin van Bylandt Stichting. - Cop. KVNM, Stichting Het Alphons Diepenbrock Fonds en Donemus
Year of composition: 1894
Status: not yet digitized (expected delivery time 14 days)

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