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... Now ... : for symmetrical spacial orchestra and soundtrack with videos (version for orchestra) / JacobTV - Jacob Ter Veldhuis; videos: Studio Drupsteen

Publisher: Amsterdam: Donemus, cop. 2005
Publisher's number: 11329
Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Orchestra
Scoring: group I: pic fl(pic) 2ob 2cl fg cfg 4h 2trp trb trb-b 3perc pf(cel) hp ; group II: pic fl(pic) 2ob 2cl fg 2g cfg 4h 2trp trb trb-b 3perc pf(cel) hp ; group III: str
Remarks: Commissioned by the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra; written with financial support from both the orchestra and the Dutch Fund for Performing Arts.
Duration: 15'00"
Year of composition: 2005
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Veldhuis, Jacob ter (Composer)
‘Now is the cursor of time, that eternal moment, which separates past and future and in which our existence is taking place. The past is no more than a memory from what once was ‘now’, and the future is a rather vague fantasy about what may become ‘now’ some day. Music –like us– can only exist in the present. Music is now. …NOW… is not a variation on a theme, but an associative stream of developments, just like the present: constant, but always different. The pulse of passing time however is always visible and audible. Echo is an important element in …NOW… both in the video –as frames of frozen time
– as well as in the score. An echo is an acoustic delay, a natural sample. It is a ‘sound still’: a memory from an earlier present. The echoes in …NOW… become reality by the orchestral setting, which is spacial and symmetrical in groups.
Echoes ping pong from left to right and vice versa, creating a ‘responsorial groove’, a spacial play with time, like a permanent pendulum motion between past and future, the present being in the center. ….NOW… is an ode to the present, it deals with the time in which we live.’ Jaap Drupsteen & JacobTV

Sheet Music
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Product Description Price/piece Count
Score Download to Newzik (A3), 59 pages EUR 35.66
Download as PDF (A3), 59 pages EUR 42.79
Hardcopy, normal size (A3), 59 pages EUR 71.33
Hardcopy, study size (A4), 59 pages EUR 48.22
Rental Part(s) Download to Newzik (B4), 580 pages EUR 214.40
Download as PDF (B4), 580 pages EUR 257.28
Hardcopy, normal size (B4), 580 pages EUR 428.80
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Total license costs
Video broadcast (TV, streaming)
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CD/DVD recordings
If you want to record this work to CD or DVD you can acquire a license here. For every title you need to obtain a license.
CD/DVD titles
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