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Temple of love : for voice, two obligato instruments and basso continuo, 1753 / ed. by Robert L. Tusler, Willem de Fesch

Publisher: Amsterdam: Donemus, 2004
Publisher's number: 10831
Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Voice and instrument(s); Voice and instrument(s); Voice and instrument(s)
Scoring: voice 1-2instr b.c. ; voice fl b.c.
Remarks: Oorspr. titel: The temple of love. - Instrumentatie niet nader aangegeven, m.u.v. 1e, 6e, 15e en 18e lied, 9e en 14e lied waarbij resp. een fluitsolo-partij apart is afgedrukt c.q. een fluit als solo-instrument wordt aangegeven. - Met voorw. - Omslag vermeldt: Complete Works: Volume 25. - Cop. MuziekGroep Nederland, 2003
Number of players: 4
Year of composition: 1753
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Boyce, Samuel (Text writer/Librettist)
Huggins, William (Text writer/Librettist)
Fesch, Willem de (Composer)
As Amoret with Phillis sat
In days of old as poets tell
Let others sing in loftier lays
Nature for defence affords
Stretch'd on the turf in Sylvan shades
Thou calm-ray'd spring whose blooming face
Wer't thou yet fairer than thou art
When Damon met Philips on the gay Green
When mighty Jove survey'd mankind
When Morn her Sweets shall first unfold
Would'st thou all the joys receive
As t'other day o'er the green meadow
Ye gentle gales that fan the air
Aspiring Sol whose gladsome Rays
Daphne on her arm reclin'd
Gayly smiling
Had I but the wings of a dove
Hail England! Old England
Hark Daphne from the Hawthorn bush
I sing not of battles

Sheet Music
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Product Description Price/piece Count
Score Download to Newzik (A4), 60 pages EUR 24.40
Download as PDF (A4), 60 pages EUR 29.28
Hardcopy, normal size (A4), 60 pages EUR 48.80
Part(s) Download to Newzik (A4), 35 pages EUR 17.15
Download as PDF (A4), 35 pages EUR 20.58
Hardcopy, normal size (A4), 35 pages EUR 34.30