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2 works in Donemus catalogue

popular works

22 pages : for wind orchestra, double basses, percussion, harp, piano, celesta, vibraphone, xylophone, and 3 male voices, 1964/'65 / based on a text by John Cage, Joep Straesser

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Vocal ensemble (2-12) and large ensemble
Scoring: ten bar bas 4444 4441 3perc vibr(xyl) hp pf(cel) 8cb

Satie and his sense of shoelaces : a mini music drama in the form of three songs, for tenor and piano, 1996, revision 2003 / on words by John Cage, Christina Viola Oorebeek

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Voice and piano
Scoring: ten pf

latest edition

22 pages : for wind orchestra, double basses, percussion, harp, piano, celesta, vibraphone, xylophone, and 3 male voices, 1964/'65 / based on a text by John Cage, Joep Straesser

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Vocal ensemble (2-12) and large ensemble
Scoring: ten bar bas 4444 4441 3perc vibr(xyl) hp pf(cel) 8cb



Cage, John

Nationality: U.S.A.