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Trio no. 3 : for violin, horn in F and piano, 1988 / Jochem Slothouwer

Publisher: Amsterdam: Donemus, 1998
Publisher's number: 09543
Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Wind and string and keyboard instrument(s)
Scoring: h vl pf
Remarks: In opdracht van en opgedragen aan het HEBE-trio. - Cop. 1998. - Tijdsduur: ca. 24'
Duration: 24'00"
Number of players: 3
Year of composition: 1988
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Slothouwer, Jochem (Composer)
Molto moderato
Andante espressivo
Program note (English): There aren't many compositions for horn trio; most famous are those by Brahms and, more recent, Ligeti. On paper the combination horn-violin-piano might seem problematic, but by careful instrumentation the resulting sound proves a pleasant surprise. In sound and playing method violin and horn are contrasting instruments, but in this composition they complement each other and have an interesting conversation, with the piano as 'binding agent'. The first part, Molto moderato-Allegro ma non troppo, is written in a free sonata form. The horn motive of the beginning returns at the height of the development section. The themes in the allegro appear in reversed order in the shortened recapitulation. The second movement, Scherzo-Allegro molto e leggiero, is volatile and playful in character, due to the constant alternation between measures in 4/4 and 5/5 meter. The third movement, Andante espressivo, is the heart of this composition, musically and emotionally. A majestic progressing
melody is interrupted by short cadenza's of the horn, violin and piano, consecutively, the last one leading to the climax of this movement. The return to the main theme leads to a quiet ending. The last movement, Vivace, is a short finale in rondo form, a boisterous hunt! - JOCHEM SLOTHOUWER

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Score Download to Newzik (B4), 56 pages EUR 28.38
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Hardcopy, normal size (B4), 56 pages EUR 56.76
Hardcopy, study size (A4), 56 pages EUR 46.48
Part(s) Download to Newzik (B4), 32 pages EUR 19.86
Download as PDF (B4), 32 pages EUR 23.83
Hardcopy, normal size (B4), 32 pages EUR 39.72