related works
Skimbleshanks: the railway cat : for baritone, bass clarinet and trombone, 1975 / Rokus de Groot
Vocal music
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The world in a man of war : concerto for electric guitar and ensemble, 1998 / Chiel Meijering
Chamber music
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Landscapes : for flute, violin, viola, cello and harp, 1971 / Walter Hekster
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Gestures : for marimba and bass clarinet, 1981 / Daan Manneke
Chamber music
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Cadenza : for bass saxophone and harp, 1993 / Rokus de Groot
Other authors:
Groot, Rokus de
Program note (English): Cadenza is a duet of contrasts. The combination of bass saxophone and harp excludes fusion of sound. The instruments maintain their individuality, even when they play the same musical material. They do try to relate with each other in sound, though: the harp incidentally functions as a resonance of the bass; the latter on its turn sometimes jumps at the background of the harp music, in an unruly attempt at playing like a whisper. To counterbalance the broad sound of the bass saxophone the harp is treated polyphonically. The bass generally is quite dominant; sometimes, however, its highest register is used and intentionally very large intervals are prescribed for tremolos: in both cases the putting itself forward of the bass is undermined because of uncertainty and instability of pitch. The harp on the other hand is modest in dynamics but very decided and firm as to pitch; as a kind of indulgence in relation to the bass she introduces at times pedal glissandi. The piece is a
play with 'dominance', in which roles are alternating. Both instruments play an elaborate cadenza. - ROKUS DE GROOT