
Stallaert, Alphonse

Alphonse Stallaert werd op 1 maart 1920 te Helmond geboren. Hij overleed op 15 december 1995 in Fréjus, Frankrijk. Opleiding Hij studeerde aan het Utrechts Conservatorium compositie bij Hendrik Andriessen en ...

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Missa : in es kl. terts, voor koor, solostemmen, orgel en orkest / Willem Andriessen

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Il cantico del sole di Francesco d'Assisi : choeur mixte, soprano, alto, ensemble instrumental, 1980 / Alphonse Stallaert

Publisher: Amsterdam: Donemus, cop. 1981
Publisher's number: 07905
Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Mixed choir and orchestra
Scoring: sopr alt GK4 0100 0100 timp 3perc pf str
Remarks: Instr. bez.: orkest. - Tijdsduur: ca. 30'-35'
Duration: 35'00"
Year of composition: 1980
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Franciscus van Assisi (librettist)
Lu frate sole
Sora luna
Frate ventu
Sor acqua
Frate focu
Matre terra
Per lo tuo amore
Sora morte
Program note (English): (Premiere: 19-6-1981 - Eglise St. Charles de Borromé, Joinville-le-Pont - Yvonne Bonnet, Régine Rossy, Choeur Fanac, Ensemble Instrumental du Conservatoire de St. Maur, dir. Alphonse Stallaert). Franciscus (1181-1226) dictated, several hours before his death, a text. This text, 'Il cantico del sole', or, 'Cantico di frate sole', or even 'Il cantico de tutte le creature' is one of the first important texts in Italy, written in the dialect of Umbria. The composer followed the whole poem. Only an instrumental Preludio all' inferno (Prelude to hell) was inserted before the words (No. IX) 'Ka, la morte secunda non il poterà far male' (Because the second death (the hell) shall do no worse to them.' - ALPHONSE STALLAERT

Sheet Music
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Score Download to Newzik (B4), 60 pages EUR 29.80
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Hardcopy, normal size (B4), 60 pages EUR 59.60
Hardcopy, study size (A4), 60 pages EUR 48.80