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Forbidden Music Regained : Volume 1

Genre: Unknown

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Scoring: GK4 2cl cl-b 2trb pf

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Scoring: GK4 2pf perc

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Sint Joris : voor gemengd koor, bariton en sopraan soli, 2 piano's en slaginstrumenten, (1955) / Sem Dresden

Publisher: Amsterdam: Donemus, cop. 1956
Publisher's number: 07761
Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Mixed choir and instruments
Scoring: sopr bar GK4 4perc 2pf
Remarks: 4 slagwerkers. - Tekst apart afgedrukt. - In opdracht van het ministerie van O., K. en W.
Year of composition: 1955
Status: not yet digitized (expected delivery time 14 days)

Other authors:
Dresden, Sem (Composer)

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