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Le convoi d'une pauvre fille : (pour chant, cello solo et orchestre) / musique de Theo v.d. Bijl, poème de H. Brizeux

Publisher: Amsterdam: Donemus, cop. 1948
Publisher's number: 07432
Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Voice and orchestra
Scoring: medium 2332 0000 glock cel hp str vc-solo
Remarks: Bron van beschr.: koptitel. - Voor middenstem. - Jaar van comp.: 1918. - Tijdsduur: 4'30''
Duration: 5'00"
Year of composition: 1918
Status: not yet digitized (expected delivery time 14 days)

Other authors:
Brizeux, H. (Text writer/Librettist)
Bijl, Theo van der (Composer)

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