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String quartet II : (1964) / Ton de Leeuw
Chamber music
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Vocal music
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Être poète : soprano, flauto, clarinetto, pianoforte, 1954 / Harold C. King
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Chant and madrigal : uit "Chamber music", voor sopraan en 11 instrumenten, 1983 / Daan Manneke
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And they shall reign for ever : for mezzosoprano, clarinet, horn, piano and percussion, 1981 / Ton de Leeuw
Other authors:
Leeuw, Ton de
And I saw an angel
And when the thousand years are expired
And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning
And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude
And the voice of harpers and musicians
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth
Program note (English): The work consists of six movements and an epilogue (amen). In each movement the texts are taken from Johannes' Book of Revelation. A vision is painted of all the miseries, which threaten the world. But behind all terrifying expectations there is also hope, that which is expressed in the title. The musical treatment of the texts differs in each movement. The parts 1, 2, 4 and 6 have a relatively fast tempo and a fixed rhythm. Moreover the musical content has a great deal in common. Contradicting this are parts 3 and 5, characterised by strongly changing moods, which are also noticeable in the many alterations in tempo. This, and the very differentiated and detailed performance notes make great demands on the vocal and instrumental musicians. - TON DE LEEUW