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Spatial music IV : homage to Igor Strawinsky, for twelve players / Ton de Leeuw

Publisher: Amsterdam: Donemus, cop. 1968
Publisher's number: 04272
Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Large ensemble (12 or more players)
Scoring: 5wind-instr 2perc pf 2vl vla vc
Remarks: Voor 5 blaasinstrumenten naar keuze, 2 violen, altviool, cello, piano en 2 slagwerkers. - In opdracht van de NCRV. - Jaar van comp.: 1968. - Tijdsduur: ca. 13'
Duration: 14'00"
Number of players: 12
Year of composition: 1968
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Leeuw, Ton de (Composer)
Program note (English): "Spatial Music IV" is one of a series of works bearing the same name in which the spatial positioning of the performers plays an essential role. The position of the performers has compositoral consequences. This can be illustrated by two extremes taken from the score: in the case of the greatest dispersion, totally independent parts can be said to be playing together. The players are, as it were, isolated from one another, only connected by the same time limits given the score. The other extreme is the classic set-up of the players around the piano. In this case, all the parts are closely related to the quotation of a Stravinsky chorale.
The 12 instrumentalists have a limited amount of freedom with regard to their choice of instrument. The composer indicates the following possibilities for part A, for example: flute-bass flute-oboe-oboe d'amore-clarinet-soprano saxophone or trumpet.
There is no improvisation; the composer envisages guided interpretation, i.e. his text is the framework which the players are to take as a basis for their embellishments, colourings and dynamic nuancing; a procedure which is still frequently used today in the highly developed musical cultures of Asia. - TON DE LEEUW

Sheet Music
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Score Download to Newzik (B4), 41 pages EUR 23.05
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Hardcopy, normal size (B4), 41 pages EUR 46.11
Hardcopy, study size (A4), 41 pages EUR 37.78