
Ashkenazy, Benjamin

Benjamin Ashkenazy werd 28 maart 1940 geboren in Sofia (Bulgarije). In 1948 emigreerde de familie naar Israel. Opleiding Na zijn studie compositie (bij J. Sadai) en directie, piano en klarinet aan de ...

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Concerto for vibraphone, marimbaphone & chamber orchestra : 1987 / Benjamin Ashkenazy

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Subgenre: Percussion and large ensemble
Scoring: 1111 sax 1111 perc pf acc 2vl vla vc cb / str vibr-mar-solo

Overture : for orchestra / Rosy Wertheim

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Metamorphosis 4-6-2-1 : orchestra, 1976 / Benjamin Ashkenazy

Publisher: Amsterdam: Donemus, cop. 1977
Publisher's number: 03837
Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Orchestra
Scoring: 2232 4330 2perc 2hp pf str
Remarks: Tijdsduur: 25'
Duration: 25'00"
Year of composition: 1976
Status: not yet digitized (expected delivery time 14 days)

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