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Licks & Brains II : 1988, saxophone quartet, large ensemble / Klas Torstensson

Publisher: Amsterdam: Donemus, cop. 1988
Publisher's number: 03735
Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Saxophone and large ensemble
Scoring: 2232 2230 4perc g-b 2vl vla vc cb 4sax-solo
Remarks: Deel 3 uit de triptiek "Licks & brains". - Voor saxofoonkwartet, 2 piccolo's (tevens altfluit), hobo, althobo, es-klarinet, basklarinet, contrabasklarinet, fagot, contrafagot, 2 hoorns, 2 trompetten, 3 trombone's, 4 slagwerkers, 2 violen, altviool, cello, contrabas, el. piano en basgitaar. - Opgedragen aan het Nederlands Saxofoonkwartet en het ASKO ensemble. - Tijdsduur: 30'
Duration: 30'00"
Number of players: 31
Year of composition: 1988
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Torstensson, Klas (Composer)
Program note (English): Licks & Brains is a triptych for saxophones. In the course of the triptych as a whole, shifts occur in the degree of closeness and in the listener's sense of proximity to the music. In Solo the inside is of primary importance. Both tone production and mechanism (action) are amplified out of all proportion, evoking the sensation of an extremely heavy and complex piece of machinery being revived into motion; the musical development comes off the ground with a great deal of struggle. With Licks & Brains I we find ourselves, as it were, within the music itself; music that develops a high level of virtuoso activity. The quartet, as the sax section in a big band, plays as a solid unit, striving to keep together and to build up to a continually more extended and refined repertory of pitch, articulation and ways of playing. In Licks & Brains II the music for quartet is presented in a new setting. The music now appears in relation to a large entity built up of several layers. The
orchestra furnishes a new musical context, at times enforcing a reinterpretation of the saxophone music. - KLAS TORSTENSSON

Sheet Music
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Score Download to Newzik (A3), 148 pages EUR 74.38
Download as PDF (A3), 148 pages EUR 89.25
Hardcopy, normal size (A3), 148 pages EUR 148.76
Hardcopy, study size (A4), 148 pages EUR 99.84
Solo Part Download to Newzik (A3), 58 pages EUR 35.23
Download as PDF (A3), 58 pages EUR 42.27
Hardcopy, normal size (A3), 58 pages EUR 70.46
Rental Part(s) Download to Newzik (B4), 538 pages EUR 199.49
Download as PDF (B4), 538 pages EUR 239.38
Hardcopy, normal size (B4), 538 pages EUR 398.98
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