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Helix (2022 revision) : for orchestra / Edward Top

Publisher's number: 21791
Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Orchestra
Scoring: 2fl 2ob 2cl 2fg 4h2tpt 3trb/trb-b tb timp 2perc hp pf str
Remarks: Revised in 2022. Originally commissioned and financially supported by the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra for the 2018/2019 opening subscription concerts on Friday September 21, and Saturday, September 22, 2018, at the Orpheum Theatre in Vancouver, Canada. Composed in celebration of the VSO’s centennial season, and inauguration of the VSO’s music director Otto Tausk. Dedicated to Otto Tausk.
Duration: 6'30"
Year of composition: 2018 (rev. 2022)
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Top, Edward (Composer)
Helix consists of a single motive that occurs in five different speeds. At the opening of the work it can be heard on its own - slowly - in the horn and strings, followed by denser sections where the music intensifies through diminution (the motive in faster appearances), spiralling in and out of the different speeds. An echoing technique derived from electronic delay as found in rock music emphasizes this spiralling. This echo can be heard throughout the six-minute composition, but starts right at the beginning as a layer in bassoons, percussion, harp and piano. The work shifts through different diatonic modes where Corellian suspension chains in the strings, again, underscore the spiralling motion. These elements combined result in a weightless twirling that eventually gravitates towards a more grounded climax.

Sheet Music
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Product Description Price/piece Count
Score Download to Newzik (A3), 26 pages EUR 21.31
Download as PDF (A3), 26 pages EUR 25.57
Hardcopy, normal size (A3), 26 pages EUR 42.62
Hardcopy, study size (A4), 26 pages EUR 29.08
Rental Part(s) Download to Newzik (B4), 95 pages EUR 42.22
Download as PDF (B4), 95 pages EUR 50.67
Hardcopy, normal size (B4), 95 pages EUR 84.45
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CD/DVD recordings
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