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Black City : Concerto for violoncello and orchestra NÂș 2 / Douglas Knehans

Genre: Orchestra
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Scoring: vc-solo dulc pf hp sopr(offstage) 2fl(picc) 2ob 2cl 2fg(cfg) 4h 2tpt 2trb-t trb-b tb timp 3perc str

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Genre: Multimedia
Subgenre: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players) with multimedia
Scoring: zang drum tape

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Subgenre: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players) with multimedia

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Bang : for ensemble and electronics / Douglas Knehans

Publisher's number: 21274
Genre: Multimedia
Subgenre: Mixed ensemble (2-12 players) with multimedia
Scoring: fl cl perc pf vn vc electronics
Remarks: Written for and dedicated to Mark Summerbell and The Seymour Group.
Duration: 15'00"
Number of players: 6
Year of composition: 2000
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Knehans, Douglas (Composer)

Sheet Music
If you are going to perform this composition, you can enter your concert information here. We will publish this information at the Donemus Facebook page and in the Donemus Concert Agenda.
You can buy the parts or other related products on-line. If you choose a downloadable product you will receive the product in digital form. In all other cases the product is sent to you physically. Please note that you require a copy of this product for every user.
Product Description Price/piece Count
Score Download to Newzik (A4), 40 pages EUR 18.60
Download as PDF (A4), 40 pages EUR 22.32
Hardcopy, normal size (A4), 40 pages EUR 37.20
Part(s) Download to Newzik (A4), 61 pages EUR 24.69
Download as PDF (A4), 61 pages EUR 29.62
Hardcopy, normal size (A4), 61 pages EUR 49.38
Electro-acoustic Download, 2 files, 0.044 MB EUR 25.00
CD/DVD, 2 files, 0.044 MB EUR 35.00