related works

Counting the stars : for piano solo / Marion von Tilzer

Genre: Unknown

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Scoring: group I: pic fl(pic) 2ob 2cl fg cfg 4h 2trp trb trb-b 3perc pf(cel) hp ; group II: pic fl(pic) 2ob 2cl fg 2g cfg 4h 2trp trb trb-b 3perc pf(cel) hp ; group III: str

Passage : for big band / Guus Janssen

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Counting the stars : for piano solo / Marion von Tilzer

Publisher's number: 20490
Genre: Unknown
Duration: 2'51"
Year of composition: 2007
Status: not yet digitized (expected delivery time 14 days)

Other authors:
Tilzer, Marion von (Composer)

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