related works

Le café de nuit : for orchestra / Jan-Peter de Graaff

Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Orchestra
Scoring: picc 2fl 2ob eh 2cl cl-b 4h 3tpt 2trb trb-b tb timp 3perc hp pf cel str

Eline : Opera / Erik Lotichius; text by the composer

Genre: Opera, musical theatre
Subgenre: Opera
Scoring: Eline: Mezzo-soprano; Fabrice/Otto: Baritone; Couperus: Baritone. Ensemble: Flute/Piccolo; Clarinet/basClarinet; Horn; Violin; Piano; Double-bass; Percussion: Timpani; Cymbal; Tambourin; Triangle; Bells

De prinses op de erwt : school-opera in drie taferelen, (met epiloog en ballet ad libitum), voor 4 solostemmen, schoolorkest en dansgroep (met solo-danseres), (1964) / tekst (naar het sprookje van H.C. Andersen) en muziek van Hans Schouwman

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Subgenre: Opera
Scoring: sopr alt ten bar 1110 0000 (perc ad lib.) pf str (dancers ad lib.)

Lachesis : Kammeroper in einem Akt; Chamber opera in one act / Marijn Simons; libretto by Hermann Schneider

Genre: Opera, musical theatre
Subgenre: Opera
Scoring: 5zang picc fl/fl-a ob/eh cl/cl-b sax-bar fg/cfg h tpt/tpt-picc trb-t trb-b 2perc hp g-eb pf/keyb 2vn vla vc db tape



De grens (full version) : Chamber opera in two scenes / Jan-Peter de Graaff, libretto Yuri Robbers

Publisher's number: 20106
Genre: Opera, musical theatre
Subgenre: Opera
Scoring: zang cl-b acc perc vn db
Remarks: Commissioned by Jonne Zoutendijk and Marc Zoutendijk on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of Salone dell’Opera Vught and the 10th anniversary of Salone dell’Opera Amerongen. 2nd Act completion commissioned by Opera Zuid. Composed for ensemble But What About, Pieter van Loenen, Eva Kroon and Ginette Puylaert. Dedicated to Mathilde Wantenaar. First performance: Salone dell’Opera Vught, April 22nd, 2017 (short version), Parkstad Limburg Theaters, Kerkrade, September 25th, 2018 (full version).
Duration: 40'00"
Number of players: 7
Year of composition: 2017 / 2018
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Robbers, Yuri (Text writer/Librettist)
Graaff, Jan-Peter de (Composer)

Sheet Music
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Score Download to Newzik (B4), 72 pages EUR 34.06
Download as PDF (B4), 72 pages EUR 40.87
Hardcopy, normal size (B4), 72 pages EUR 68.12
Hardcopy, study size (A4), 72 pages EUR 55.76