related works

Tridance : Version for violin and pre-recorded tape / Kerry Woodward

Genre: Multimedia
Subgenre: Violin with multimedia
Scoring: vn tape

Tegenzangen : voor 4-stemmig gemengd koor met orkest en spreekkoor met slagwerkensemble, (1973) / Klaas de Vries

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Mixed choir and orchestra
Scoring: GK8 speaking-choir 2222 2121 timp 4perc str

Place Grimaldi : Opera / Hans Lachman; words by Prof. dr. H. Freudenthal

Genre: Opera, musical theatre
Subgenre: Opera
Scoring: sopr mezzosopr ten bar bas-bar SATB 2fl 2ob 2cl 2bn 4h 3tr 3tb perc hp str

Marcia funebre : for piano / Georgs Pelecis

Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Piano
Scoring: pf



Sonnet and Polka : soprano, tenor, percussion, vibraphone, marimba, cello / Kerry Woodward

Publisher's number: 20059
Genre: Unknown
Duration: 8'00"
Year of composition: 2001
Status: not yet digitized (expected delivery time 14 days)

Other authors:
Woodward, Kerry (Composer)

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