
Gelabert i Muntaner, Francesc Xavier

Xavier Gelabert, born in Manacor, Mallorca (1976), graduated in composition by the Conservatori Superior de Música de les Illes Balears. Master in composition by the European Musical Creation Workshop (2009 - ...

related works

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Genre: Opera, musical theatre
Subgenre: Musical
Scoring: picc 2fl 2cl fg 2tpt trb timp perc pf str

De satansfles : (opera in twee aktes), 2002 / libretto: Jo Willems, Gerard Ammerlaan

Genre: Opera, musical theatre
Subgenre: Opera
Scoring: 6soloists 00taragot(tevens cl, cl-b)1 sax-a 01(bug, trp-pic)1(lap-steel, toy music box)0 2perc el-g str

Concerto : per due violini ed orchestra / Robert de Roos

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Subgenre: Violin and orchestra
Scoring: 2232 4320 timp perc str 2vl-solo

Inhibition Theory : for clarinet in B flat and piano / Dominy Clements

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Subgenre: Clarinet and keyboard instrument
Scoring: cl pf



Berceuse : Special Orchestra / Xavier Gelabert

Publisher's number: 17633
Genre: Unknown
Year of composition: 2006
Status: not yet digitized (expected delivery time 14 days)

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