
Lunyov, Svyatoslav

Svyatoslav Lunyov was born on April 19, 1964 in Kyiv (Ukraine). In 1993 he graduated from Kyiv State P. Tchaikovsky Conservatoire (the class of composition, leaded by professor L. Kolodub).

related works

Tristium : for string orchestra / Svyatoslav Lunyov

Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: String orchestra
Scoring: str

Fantasie : voor viool en piano, (1949-1950) / Albert de Klerk

Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Violin and keyboard instrument
Scoring: vl pf

Inquies : voor piano, 1991 / Ludwig Otten

Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Piano
Scoring: pf

Emanation : for flute, violin, violoncello and harp, 1987 / Wim Laman

Genre: Chamber music
Subgenre: Mixed ensemble (2-11 players)
Scoring: fl(fl-a, fl-b) hp vl vc



Libera Me (transcription for organ solo) : Organ / Svyatoslav Lunyov

Publisher's number: 17497
Genre: Unknown
Duration: 10'00"
Year of composition: 1998-2016
Status: not yet digitized (expected delivery time 14 days)

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