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Petrarca Song Cycle : for soprano, viola and guitar / Rijndert van Woudenberg

Publisher's number: 16821
Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Voice and instrument(s)
Scoring: sopr vla gtr
Remarks: Commissioned by the Japanese guitarist Norio Sato. This song cycle premiered in Tokyo in December 2009 and was performed by: Norio Sato (guitar), Fumiko Kai (Viola) and Masumi Yoshikawa (Soprano).
Duration: 33'00"
Number of players: 3
Year of composition: 2009
Status: fully digitized (real-time delivery)

Other authors:
Petrarca, Francesco (Text writer/Librettist)
Woudenberg, Rijndert van (Composer)
Canzonière 1 (3’30”)
Canzonière 7 (4’45”)
Canzonière 134 (4’15”)
Trionfo della Morte (20’30”)

Sheet Music
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Product Description Price/piece Count
Score Download to Newzik (A4), 42 pages EUR 19.18
Download as PDF (A4), 42 pages EUR 23.01
Hardcopy, normal size (A4), 42 pages EUR 38.36