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Veni creator / Marius Monnikendam

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Mixed choir and organ; Mixed choir and instruments
Scoring: GK4 (2trp 2trb ad lib.) org

Drie gedichten : spreekstem, alt-saxofoon, gitaar, opus 89, 1976 / Géza Frid

Genre: Vocal music
Subgenre: Speak Voice and instrument(s)
Scoring: recit sax-a g

Diablerie : vierstemmig koor a cappella, 1961 / op een gedicht van Pierre Kemp, Gerard Kockelmans

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Subgenre: Mixed choir
Scoring: GK4

My Pink Kitten : for string quartet / Chiel Meijering

Genre: Unknown
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Sârukhâni I : for flutes, saxophones, accordion, violin, cello and electronics

Publisher's number: 16484
Genre: Unknown
Remarks: Based on folk music material of Kermanshahan-Sahneh
Year of composition: 2016
Status: not yet digitized (expected delivery time 14 days)

Other authors:
Hosseini, Mehdi (composer)

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