
Zagaykevych, Alla

Alla Zagaykevych (b.1966) is a Ukrainian composer of contemporary classical music, performance artist, organizer of electroacoustic music projects, musicologist. Education She graduated from Kiev State P.I.Tchaikovsky Conservatory (now National Music Academy of ...

related works

L'Itinéraire : for piano and orchestra / Alla Zagaykevych

Genre: Orchestra
Subgenre: Piano and orchestra

Reflections : Version for violin and electronics / Amos Elkana

Genre: Electronical music
Subgenre: Violin with electronics
Scoring: vn tape

Miles Upon Miles : for violin and electronics / Yip Ho Kwen Austin

Genre: Electronical music
Subgenre: Violin with electronics
Scoring: vl tape

Tridance : Version for violin and pre-recorded tape / Kerry Woodward

Genre: Electronical music
Subgenre: Violin with electronics
Scoring: vn tape



Mithe IV : KS : for violin and electronics / Alla Zagaykevych

Publisher's number: 15727
Genre: Electronical music
Subgenre: Violin with electronics
Scoring: vln tape
Duration: 7'00"
Number of players: 1
Year of composition: 2011
Status: not yet digitized (expected delivery time 14 days)

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